Friday, March 13, 2009

z0rs' Sigil Deck in case anyone missed it:

z0rs said...
4 Cryptic Command
4 Muldrifter
4 Ponder
4 Negate
4 Path to Exile
2 Condemn
4 Oblivion Ring
4 Wrath of God
3 Sigil of the Empty Throne
3 Shimmering Wings

4 Mutavault
1 Faerie Conclave
19 Other W/U lands


DRokRoss said...

Great Job z0rs. I likes it a lot.

Shirolotus said...

This looks like a Drok deck, consistent draw, counter, board control, into your win con, of sigil critters. better than my mentally challenged epic failure.

DRokRoss said...

Not one of my decks, just a deck from someone else who has a similar style of play to me. Although, he's probably better at it than me.

DRokRoss said...

you know, I think I might like -2 Condemn, +2 Pacifism or +2 Runed Halo.

The additional enchantment have the possibility of speeding things up a little bit so that you can beat down a little faster while still holding the control of the board. I dont think it changes the curve significantly while still giving you better late game plays.

z0rs said...

I went with condemn to have 6 1cc removal spells so that I'm not forced to have a Wrath on turn 4. Additionally, Condemn is the only life gain in case a burn deck decided to try and burn me out between turns 5-8.

Pacifism doesn't seem like it would add much except 2 more enchantments to kick-start my angels. I've already got 10 enchantments (counting the sigils) to get started with...the wings can be cast on an opponents creature, mulldrifter or manland to get going. With all the card draw I don't think laying down the angels should be tough after turn 6. (If I've drifted & pondered once I've gone through 17 cards)

If the format was slow enough, Runed Halo would be better for the late-game options and the fact that I can reset it with a command if need be. With me not knowing the meta & format, condemn would be maindeck and Runed Halo sideboard for safety. I'm confident with a control deck if I can survive until turn 7.

z0rs said...
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DRokRoss said...

:nod: seems good.

Sean said...

Ok zors to give you permission I need your email address. I'm not sure how you'll give it to me. i have comments on this blog emailed to me, so i think you can just post your email as a comment, then delete it right away, and i'll get an email with your comment even though it no longer exists.

z0rs said...
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