Saturday, March 07, 2009

Planes-razor was a good idea, Drok

I played constructed standard, Jund mana-ramp. I went 2-2. I am growing tired of brg though, so I made some trades and now have:

1x elspeth
1x sarkhan vol (and Drok's got 2 more)
3x garruk wildspeaker
3x ajani vengeant
2x figure of destiny
3x realm razor
4x wooly thoctar
4x O-ring
4x firespout
4x volcanic fallout
4x bop

Pretty much I just need 4x battlefield forge, 2 karpulsan forests (or maybe reflecting pools or exotic orchards) 2 more fod, 2 more elspeth and 4x bloom tender and I'll be ready to have some real fun!

Fun deck!!!!


DRokRoss said...

I know I have the FoD's, the Sarkhan Vols, 1 or more Bloom Tender, And some of the lands you need.

Sean said...

2x reflecting pool
1x rugged prarie
2x fire-lit thicket
4x brushland
2x karplusan forest
4x jungle shrine
3x forest
1x mountain

I still need six more lands. Reflecting pool is low priority mostly for price, but also because I don't see it being as good in 3c. I think exotic orchard is just as likely to produce useful mana, and the card cost 6 instead of 25. So I'm think 2 exotic orchards and 4 battlefield forges. If I can't find anyone to trade me the forges, I could trade for more rugged praries, and try to get some GW filter-lands.

3x Ajani Vengeant
1x Elspeth
2x Garruk
2x Sarkhan
4x Birds
4x Druid of the anima
4x wooly thoctar
3x realm razor
4x naya charm
4x firespout
4x o-ring

The druid needs to be changed out with bloom tenders as they become available.

Since I haven't played many tournaments recently I don't know what the metagame is like now, and since I haven't played this deck I don't know how it needs to compensate.

I do like Fulminator Mage if for no other reason than to get windbrisk heights. I played on Saturday and there weren't many people there, but only one person in the room was playing c. command, so Guttural response may not be as good as it was last fall. Figure of Destiny I'm thinking could easily be maindeck in place of O-ring, but I think firespout is fine in the main deck since so many people are playing aggro. I could also see trading out figures if I'll be playing first (if I lose game 1) then putting firespout back in for game three. For those few control matchups I will probably board naya charm for guttural response. I could see volcanic fallout in the board also, for two reason. The first is when I am facing those WR or BW token decks or faeries, kill off the spectral processions and tidehollow scullers and whatnot. Especially good vs. faeries with it being uncounterable. The second reason is for when I play vs garruk, they play garruk and make a beast, I can kill off their weak creatures and finish off garruk in the same swoop by redirecting that two damage. Right? The last spot could be for gy decks, like lark. Add a relic. On the other hand, my deck should be winning before they have time to play lark, so it may be taking out good cards for bad cards at that point? There's probably good tech that I don't know about yet.

So I'm thinking
3x guttural response
4x figure of destiny
4x volcanic fallout
4x relic of progenitus?

What do you guys think?

Sean said...

Two more thoughts for sideboard.

1) For games I will be on the play, when I'm facing BW tokens, RW tokens, 5c control and maybe a few others: Moonhold. Think about it. Turn one karpulsan forest birds go. Turn two rugged prarie go. During their upkeep, moonhold. Now I can turn three garruk and bloom tender, turn four ajani. Meanwhile, they are still playing lands that come into play tapped and I have a vicegrip lockdown with ajani and naya charm killing everything that hits the board, while I go about the quick business of getting their life count to 0. Yeah, you're saying, but what if I am topdecking and it's late game--is it better than topdecking o-ring? A little more shakey here, but if I have the razor and tender in place, I'd prefer to topdeck moonhold cause that keeps them taking more damage next turn because they can't play a creature or anything. O-ring is strickly better than moonhold, no doubt about it, but when I'm trying to keep my opponents lands out of play, this card is the tech. It is probably only going to be for game three is the real downfall of it taking up 4 slots in the sideboard.

2) knight of the white orchard vs. kitchen finks. Both are double white. One gains me life, and two blocks, the other sometimes gets me a land and blocks all day long until removal hits it. Knight would only come game two or three when I'm on the draw. Finks keeps me alive longer vs. red. Do either of these guys belong in my board?

DRokRoss said...

Budget Bloomtender:
Knotvine Mystic

I'm really out of the meta right now for ideas on a SB. the only thing I think is that if you know you are facing lark combo, instead of trying to stop it. try to speed up.

Sean said...

I traded for four of those last friday but went with the druid of anima instead. I wasn't sure which was better. But I have them laying about.

I was thinking how mogg fanatic is pretty good, and he's not on the list. I will have to remember him after I start testing, cause he may be good.

DRokRoss said...

No to Mogg Fanatic Yes to Duergar assailant!