Thursday, March 19, 2009

sygg challenge deck

Oona's Prowler x 4 1B 3/1 flying, discard -2/0
prickly boggart x 4 B 1/1 fear
cloak and dagger x 4 2 rogue comes into play may equip +2/0 & shroud
Bitterblossom x 4 1B lose 1 life at upkeep put 1/1 fly rogue in play
Infiltrator x 2 BB 2/1 unblockable

Sygg River Cutthroat x 4 BB 1/3 if opp loses 3 life, you draw card.
Morsel Theft x 4 3B or prowl 1B opp loses 3 life, you gain 3 life draw a card.
Blightning x 4 1RB deals 3 to opponent and they discard 2
Incinerate x 4 1R deals 3 to target
Aphotic Wisps x 4 B target gets fear till end turn, draw a card.

12 black 10 red land

not great, but should be consistent - aphotic wisps may seem like an odd choice, but playing rogue decks in the past, nothing makes you more angry than not being able to get your damage through for chump blockers, so fear plus draw for one B sounded good.

t1 B prikly boggart 1/1
t2 BR Oona's Prowler 3/1 attack for 1 opp at 19
t3 BRB Sygg attack with both oona and prickly opp 15 draw card
t4 BRB Blightning attack with both oona and prickly opp 8
t5 BRBR Incenerate draw card, attack get 1 through for prowl morsel theft, draw 2 cards opp. is either -2 or 2
t6 BRBR crimson wisps haste on on a infiltrator critter, draw and attack for win

Above is best case if they didn't run into any wonderful removal - This is a heavy sideboard deck, where bank on putting your answer board control or removal in if you didn't just out pace them the first go through. In that case you probably used cloak to protect sygg, tried to use your burn while waiting on bitterblossom to do something fun.

so after a rethink, no -4 aphotic wisps +4 crimson Wisps = R instant target becomes red gains haste, draw a card.


Sean said...

you love the rogue decks!

Shirolotus said...

love/hate relationship really, I always want one to work, then it sucks and makes me hate it.

plus I'm not a complex builder, I'm more of a theme builder - get things that are in same basic set of concepts and go.

DRokRoss said...

When you say on turn 5 you draw 2 cards off of Sygg. You can only draw one card per turn from sygg (so you could draw 2, you would just have to do incinerate on your opponenets turn in order to get 2 cards outta sygg - just clarifying the rules here)

Sean said...

I think he is drawing 1from sygg and 1 from the spell. I
Honestly didn't remember anything about morsel theft except it was a black sorcery with a prowl cost. But David wrote a summary of the spells, that's what I'm going off of

DRokRoss said...

ah, thats it.

DRokRoss said...

The only thing is. With Sygg, you only draw a card at the End of a Turn, and if an opponenet Loses 3 or more life in that turn. The way you have you your ideal turn 5 written out suggests that that may not be how you have figured him to work.

Shirolotus said...

"wrap" "wrap" (gavel pounds) Drok - wins judgement. I was looking for Sygg to draw each time 3 was dealt not at the end of the turn, that's cause I didn't bother to read him and just went with the gist of what he does. Sean always gives me more credit for actually reading the cards than I deserve.

never the less morsel theft gives one draw and sygg gives one draw, so at least 2 cards in that turn, but not 3.

honestly I don't think this build will win by 6 or 7, it should hit between 9 or 10 because of having to delay a turn or two getting a cloak out to protect your sygg, and maybe a bitterblossom to play chump block.