Sunday, November 30, 2008

BW Control (featuring tokens for the win)

4x Thoughtseize
4x Bitterblossom
4x Terror
4x Nantuko Husk
4x Kitchen Finks
4x Spectral Procession
3x Ajani Goldmane
3x Gravepact
3x Marsh Flitter
3x Knight Captain of Eos
4x Fetid Heath
4x Caves of Koilos
4x Windbrisk Heights
6x Plains
6x Swamp

4x Paladin en-Vec
4x Fulminator Mage
4x Oblivion Ring
3x Wrath of God

Is this a better deck than my BRG tokens I just posted? I have a pretty good chance of getting all of these cards by Friday. This looks pretty good to me...but is it better?

Obviously I am not running the optimal build, which I would include +4 mutavault -2 swamp -2 plains, +3 elspeth -3 Knight-Captain of Eos, +4 Stillmoon Cavalier -4 Paladin en-Vec. I just posted a deck list I have a high probability of being able to actually play.


Sean said...

Should I play Glorious Anthem? My gut tells me no.

DRokRoss said...

your gut is correct. spatial concerns.

Shirolotus said...

better if you are having land issues in your previous build, if not, your other build may have more versatile utility between maindeck and sideboard.

But I really am a white heavy player in this current edition because there are seemingly better combo cards in both multi-color white and mono white, you have mass board removal, permanent removal, heavy hitting creatures, damage mitigation, and general prevention.

with consistency in mind I would go 2 color most any day before I would go 3 color. (but I always have way more problems getting to the land I need, no matter if I proxy in $200.00 worth of mana fix. lol)

Sean said...

I think if I had four of every card in standard I wouldn't have land issues, but even if I find someone to let me borrow two reflecting pools, it is still a bit iffy.

So I came up with a two color deck that is basically the same thing (since I don't have a lot of playtesting opportunity, that is kinda important). This deck could be improved by the cards I mentioned, but I think it seems decent enough as it is. I'm tempted to splash blue for mulldrifter and esper charm, and add reveillark, but then I get back to the land issues again. So I have to rely on a less complicated approach. I have never ever played this deck, I just put a bunch of good cards together here...but it does look like it can be a winning deck.

Well, I'm convinced. I'll get this one together. If anyone wants to playtest whatever you have, let me know--we might be able to find a time to do so.

(Also, I can give you back most of your cards now, Drok.)

DRokRoss said...

Sean, Im going to be away for a few months, In doing so, Im thinking I can loan you my folders and decks and let you work with all of that. just remember what comes from where. its your job to come get the stuff btw

Sean said...

Snap! Are you going to Iowa? When are you leaving? Is everything ok? Call me--you still have my number, right? I just have dougie's cell.

As for your cards, I don't really need 'em. It's sweet of you to offer. If you are 100% sure you won't want to take 'em with you, I might take some of 'em to mess around with.