Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Dire Undercurrents // Weekly Challenge

I decided to either go mono-black discard, or mono-blue draw. Oona, Queen of the Fae is probably the best card to combo with Dire Undercurrents, but I figured I'd try something more original. I have made a hundred discard decks, but I rarely build a mono blue deck. I figured I'd build something with decent control with a couple of win conditions. All of my win conditions require living beyond turn eight, and getting lots of lands down. Then I play a boomerang and bounce about four things, or I play summon the school and copy it a couple times, or if I get good cards from my grimoire thief then I make my opponent draw a bunch of cards and control the game. If I am playing vs especially bad deck, I might be able to actually deck my opponent.

3x Cursecatcher
4x Grimoire Thief
3x Sygg, River Guide
4x Boomerang
4x Sigil Tracer
4x Drowner of Secrets
4x Sage's Dousing
3x Summon the School
4x Cryptic Command
3x Dire Undercurrents
4x Mystic Gate
4x Wanderwine Hub

4x Wake Thrasher
4x Merrow Reejerey
4x Wrath of God
3x Oblivion Ring

1 comment:

Sean said...

Oh yeah, Dire Currents is played in the spot Tidings would be played at. Its more versatile, but slower.