Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tezzeret, the Seeker

3x Tezzeret the Seeker
2x Sharum the Hegemon
4x Executioners Capsule ????
4x Tidehollow Sculler
4x Etherium Astrolabe
4x Cryptic Command
4x Mind Stone
4x Razormane Masticore
4x Mulldrifter
4x Agony Warp

25x ubw land set.

lots of draw, lots of accel, lots of control. Sharum to recur Tezzeret after searching for Sharum.


Sean said...

I like it. This deck has every appearance of being FNM playable. I'd actually like to see how it would fair.

Shirolotus said...

looks like tezzeret doubles any draw or damage from masticore, and you can get masticore back easily with return from graveyard cards, early game might need a little work, but the control aspect of tidehollow will help a great deal.

Plus you only need to hit turn 4 before you really start to just explode on the board taking out most threats easily with the tezzeret/masticore. Or just bouncing them out with cryptic and swing in for the love.

I like it, knew you would have some trixier things than me being b/u seems to be your butter zone.

DRokRoss said...

upon further review, scarecrone needs to be replaced.

-4 Scarecrone
+4 Executioners Capsule?? Im really not sure what goes in its slot

Sean said...


DRokRoss said...

I'm not quite sold on Scuttlemutt actually, If I play Mind Stone on turn 2 then that gives me a turn 4 Tezzeret or Masticore, and scuttlemutt doesn't accelerate me much on turn three. it does give me one extra, and a body. but its still weak and a little too slow of an acceleration. if it could draw me a card or something (or if scarecrone were still in) then it'd be ok. but as is. its a little iffy.