Monday, November 10, 2008

F'N'M'(irrorweave) Goats

3x Condemn
4x Wizened Cenn
2x Mirror Entity
4x Kitchen Finks
4x Spectral Procession
4x Springjack Shepherd
2x Mirrorweave
3x Ajani Goldmane
4x Wrath of God
4x Mulldrifter
3x Reveillark
4x Adarkar Wastes
3x Mystic Gate
2x Springjack Pasture

4x Oblivion Ring
3x Runed Halo
4x Unmake
4x Wispmare

Mulldrifter, Wizend Cenn, Mirror Entity, Springjack Shepherd + Reveillark equals I have a bunch of creatures or card advantage after a Wrath of God.

Two Turn to Mist will help my comes into play/leaves play to get the most out of Kitchen Finks, Reveillark, Springjack Shepherd and Mulldrifter. Also will obviously keep my guys alive if my opponent uses target removal. I think two is enough though.

Ajani Goldmane helps out with the goat tokens (two white mana symbols = two more goats), makes my 0/1 goats 1/2 and 2/3 and 3/4 goats and gives me infinite life. Or it means my opponent deals five damage to him instead of to me. I thought about just two, but he's good enough that I want him every game, and if I have a second one in hand to play after my opponent kills off the first one, happy days.

Mirrorweave is the reliable win. My spectral procession tokens, or my goats, all become wizened cenn. I can also make them copies of my opponents big threat.

Mirror Entity is the back-up plan.


Shirolotus said...

looks like mirrorweave, and ajani goldmane are your win conditions. one or both gives you real threats, otherwise you may fall a bit short on your token ferrocity, but it does look highly likely that you will be able to draw into them with 4 mulldrifters.

Not to mention a solid side board of mixed removal or pseudo-counter (rune halo).

I'd like to play against it sometime, if I can figure out what to do for side board in my white agro - it just is so consistent (and the only thing I have all the cards for) it's hard to quit fiddling with it.

Sean said...

And unlike other decklists I put up on this website, I actually have these cards. Minus the mirrorweave. Next time I make it down to the card shop I'll try to trade for them, though.
Oh, I don't have Mystic Gate, either, but I am thinking of just running islands, instead. With Fulminator Mage being added in every deck that can play them, more basic lands might be good.
And somehow I only have 1 reveillark. I think I traded my others off to drew or something.

DRokRoss said...

I've mentioned that Im not a huge fan of of turn to mist personally. GILBIC syndrome.

I think that:
-2 Turn to mist
-1 Mirrorweave
-1 Wrath/Lark/Ajani

+4 O.Ring/Unmake/Call to Heel

This most glaring thing about this change is that it makes room for Stillmoon Cavalier in The SB. O.ring and Unmake are just better cards and deserve this spot pretty much immediaately droping down on your win cons is acceptable for adding more removal.

Sean said...

I think I will take your advice, and but I'll go with condemn.

As for stillmoon cavalier, its expensive and i don't have any, and i'm trying to put together a deck i think i can personally own all the cards for. but next time i'm down at the shop i'll try to make some trades.

DRokRoss said...

condemn works just as well.

Shirolotus said...

ok the turn to mists true aren't core to a win and can be easily removed, but 2 mirrorweave and 2 ajani, what I consider your win conditions for minor removal, you could run several games and never see your win conditions, i.e. take a loss simply because you didn't draw what you needed, and without a way to bounce mulldrifter to get that extra drawing power to garuantee you see your wins conditions I'm going ot have to disagree with drok on this one.

Granted at this point drok probably is more his game in the old meta than I am, but I think 3 and 3 is best, especially if you aren't running turn to mist, which I agree could be cut for something more useful (if you have 3 and 3 of your win conditions)

otherwise you have a bunch of tokens and cenn, that aren't going to have the killing power they need. I say cauldron haze might be more useful than turn to mist though?

DRokRoss said...

Cauldron haze? so you can make a 1 sided wrath? if thats what you want to do just play mass calcify in this deck, it would open te spot up for better card selection as well and beats paying 6 and 2 cards for it.

this deck should be able to stall til turns 7 or 8 at least with all the reatures mixed with the removal, life gain, and recursion with lark. by then you should be able to run into either weave or ajani and be fine.

also the recursion was why I mention call to heed. take a look at that one and you will see that its the better replacement for momentary blink out there.

Sean said...

-2 turn to mist, -1 wrath, +3 condemn.

i like the control of turn to mist, its like having a wild card in my deck. but i don't think i really NEED a wild card, and i could very much use a get rid of a threat real quick, and a one mana instant is about as good as it gets for that.

Shirolotus said...

not just onesided wrath, keep your critters in play as long term blockers and have a recurring mulldrifter, and revillark. they block or attack or get hit by a damage removal and just hit play again smaller. but their back to plus you didn't take damage from blocking and maybe took out one of their creatures in the process.

DRokRoss said...

Even while going down to 2 ajani and 2 Weave you still also have 2 mirror entity, thats a total of 6 options for acceptable win-cons. you will draw one of them in time. ultimately, I think this deck should be a little more straight forward with one goal in mind for the win. as it stands now it has 3 options for win cons using a total of 8 slots. thats a little heavy for win cons that want lots of board position to win. because of this, the deck is screaming to have more capbilities to win the board position battle. cutting on win conditions for the ability to get into a winning position is most definately an acceptable way to go.

Sean said...

As long as my opponent doesn't run graveyard/reveillark hate, I can get to a win condition before I die. Finding myself in a favorable board position capable of utilizing those cards is the critical point. Against aggro I can do that pretty effectively, by wrathing turn four, getting some critters in my graveyard and a reveillark in play for a second wrath, which will set me up for the recurring creatures and the win.

I like having three Mirrorweave (for the same reason I like condemn and turn to mist) because it gives me a control/wild card kind of option. If I don't have wrath, I can play a shepherd and then make my goats copies of my opponents creatures as they declare attackers to make trades. Ajani is a threat capable of winning the game by himself, and if I end up with two in my hand, I can use the first as a decoy, or use him aggressively. I like having the option of three different win conditions maindeck because of the versatility it offers.