Saturday, November 01, 2008

BWU Manipulation

4x Ponder
4x Agony Warp
4x Bitterblossom
4x Esper Charm
4x Kitchen Finks
4x Makeshift Mannequin
4x Cryptic Command
4x Mulldrifter
3x Reveillark
4x Reflecting Pool
4x Adarkar Wastes
2x Caves of Koilos
3x Underground River
4x Arcane Sanctum
2x Mystic Gate
2x Sunken Ruins
4x Shimmering Grotto

4x Sower of Temptation
4x Snakeform
4x Wispmare
3x Fulminator Mage

This deck is just about control and card advantage. Ponder and Mulldrifter for drawing, bitterblossom for tokens, reveillark and mannequin for recursion. The win is to control the board until I can get enough creatures to nullify my opponents threats and start swinging with my reveillarks. I imagine, more often than not, bitterblossom enables the win by either taking away life from my opponent, or enabling me to get into good board position by chump blocks or what not.

I really want to combo Empyrial Archangel with Makeshift Mannequin, but I feel like I would need to run a discard outlet in order to do that, and those cards would make my deck less good. Take out Reveillark for a Razormane Masticore makes this deck much worse. I had originally included Oona's Prowler, but that was solely for a way for me to get my angel in the graveyard. I think that combo won't quite fit into this decklist. And to be consistent, it would need something like Corpse Connoisseur, which I also don't have room for and would make this deck worse. Getting the Angel at instant speed for a black and three colorless is powerful, but I think it makes the deck overall less good. Am I right?

Bitterblossom: Bitterblossom is my dependable win condition. While I'm messing around with getting my mulldrifters and kitchen finks and reveillarks from play to my graveyard and back, my 1/1 fairy rogue army is (hopefully) dutifully whittling away my opponents life. Which make me think I should add three or four Scion of Oona or Oona's Blackguard. Hitting my opponent with free 2/2 fliers that can't be targeted or make them discard seems like a good way to steal the game. But, like the angel combo, does it just detract from the overall consisetency and synergy of the cards? I think a mannequin or reveillark getting back a scion of oona could change the game (probably more than oona's blackguard)...but then, where do I make the cut? Finks/Bottle Gnomes? Ponder? Agony Warp?

Shimmering Grotto: Obviously, this deck has 25 lands, which is a many. Secondly, it has four Reflecting Pools, which like Shimmering Grotto as much as it likes Vivid lands. Thirdly, Shimmering Grotto doesn't come into play tapped. Fourthly, it is a common, and therefore much easier to acquire than, say, Primal Beyond. I think it will work out well.

Bottle Gnomes vs Kitchen Finks: Bottle Gnomes is a 1/3 that I can sac for three life, and costs three colorless. Kitchen finks is a 3/2 that nets me a total of four life, has the versatility of a persist creature, and costs double white plus colorless. Kitchen Finks is unquestionably the better card. But then consider that Reveillark returns bottle gnomes, not Finks. True, with four Mannequins I can achieve recursion with finks, but not with the reveillark. So which is better for this deck? I am still leaning with Kitchen Finks because it is the "better" card, but I am not sure it is best for this deck. I am not sure how often I would be able to play a turn three finks. Double white may be not that common. A bottle gnome can always come down every turn three, though.

Cryptic Command vs Wrath: This build seems to be fairly aggressive for a control build. Only twelve cards have a way to get rid of creatures (agony warp, esper charm, cryptic command); the former, only -3/-3, the latter two, only temporarily. The more I look at it, the more it looks like I need wrath. The second argument for wrath is I own them already, and I own zero Cryptic Commands. If I ever did play this deck (and I think BWU would be very fun to play), I might be required to play wrath over command out of necessity. But let's just think about which card is better for this deck. Obviously Command is very good, but do I have enough removal without Wrath of God? I am thinking not.

Vs big creatures/Chameleon Collosus: snakeform comes in, agony warp goes out. Perhaps snakeform should be maindeck?

Sower of Temptation and Fulminator Mage: They are good on their own, with Reveillark and Mannequin they are very good. But perhaps more control options, such as Oblivion Ring, Condemn, or Unmake should be filling these sideboard slots? I don't want to limit my discussion of the best deck with what is my likely end result, but I don't own the fulminator mages or sowers, and I do have the unmakes, o-rings, condemns, story circle, etc.

What do you all think about wrath/command, finks/bottle gnomes, adding snakeform for agony warp, adding a Scion of Oona for...what? Is shimmering grotto the miracle common land mana fixer I think it could be? Is four of it too many? Sideboard creatures vs. sorceries/instants/enchantments that say control?


Shirolotus said...

So I haven't done a complete thought process yet, but here's first things that come to mind.

soul warden W 1/1 gain 1 when creature comes into play

unmake or oblivion ring instead of agony warp. costs more but way more garaunteed. or main deck Sower of Temptation.

But here's my feeling, and it's probably just cause it's the way I build. (not big on control) It looks like you've potentially built a bitter blossom & persist deck with an odd amount of control/draw.

If you are at all thinking wrath, I say go full on bitter blossom, persist.
1 drop
3 x Soul warden

2 drops
0 x ? Safe hold elite ?
3 x Onna's blackgaurd
4 x Bitterblossom

3 drops
3 x Restless apparition Persist
4 x Kitchen finks Persist
4 x Unmake

4 drops
4 x Heartmender Persist
4 x Wrath of god

5 drop
4 x Reveillark
3 x loxodon

24 land

Ok so this could be critter crap, I never know. I just feels better if you are thinking wrath to be able to not only come back from it.

Otherwise maybe evacuation instead of wrath, revillark to hand and then back to play?

Sean said...

hmmm...Interesting take. This is the second time you've mentioned the persist/heartmender deck. I know there used to be some combo with persist and a guy from future sight. I haven't thought a lot about it, mostly because it seems like a delicate build--kill heartmender and it ruins my fun. But it is worth looking into. I'll think about that one.

Shirolotus said...

well in this case it actually does make sense, with reveillark who can bring him back over and over, not to mention he has persist already too, so unless they are using remove from game effects, i.e. oblivion ring, unmake - you don't even care if they kill him cause they have to do it 2x's over consecutive turns, cause otherwise he removes his own -1/1 counters. And if he does end up in the graveyard you have reveillark or makeshift mannequin to get him back if you go that route.

I wouldn't suggest it other than the mention of you thinking wrath, cause it seems like if you're going to wrath you might as well get the most bang for your buck, in the control build you might get what 2 creatures back when Reveillark hits the graveyard? in the persist build you should basically get them all back.