Wednesday, November 26, 2008

4 x Gilder Bairn
4 x Goldmeadow Harrier
4 x Rampant Growth
4 x Rings of Brighthearth
3 x Naya Battlemage
4 x Sarkhan Vol
3 x Ajani Vengeant
2 x Chandra Nalaar
4 x Oblivion Ring

2 x commune with nature
2 x Angel's song

Lands 24

2 x Reflecting Pool
2 x Fire Thicket
2 x Rugged Prairie
4 x Jungle Shrine
5 x plains
6 x forest
3 x mountain

Not sure on side board yet. Early game play harriers or battlemage to stall damage, rampant growth into mana early for Sarkhan Vol preferrably, at which point mid game you will have played Gilder and Rings of Bright, this is when you tap Gilder by either attacking looking for one use out of him (costs one lest mana), or pay one tap him using harrier or Battlemage, pay the 3 for Gilder plus his untap cost, double the counters on Sarkhan which should have been out at least 1 turn by this point with 5 counters on him - his counters now go to 10, use Sarkans -6 ability remove six at which point you pay 2 into Rings and now you get 10 4/4 flying dragons into play by turn 6 ( or 5 if you don't plan on reusing gilder to do it again next turn). This assumes you've drawn perfectly, but more than likely you'll stall into ajani and if they haven't seen your deck yet you use Gilder by himself by attacking pump ajani above the 7 and use his ability on the turn after you played him. which could happen turn 5 to 6 and you reset your opponents land giving you the time you need to build any other part of the combo over again using Commune to refind Gilders and etc.

What do you guys think workable?


Sean said...

I don't like the battlemage, otherwise, it looks pretty funny

Shirolotus said...

Got a replacement for battlemage?

I was thinking if you go slightly less plainswalker heavy there are a couple kithkin that would be fun with the gilder bairn - make your critters grow exponentially from nothing, or make a bunch of critters from that treefolk with devour 2 by doubling his counters.

DRokRoss said...

I completely agree with Sean about the Battlemage, a 2/2 for with one irrelevant ability, and another that is redundant to another creature in the deck, that is better costed. meh.

options for replacement are many actually,

first off, Figure of Destiny is good here as it creates an planeswalker like effect of, get rid of it before it gets out hand (most peoples reactions to a walker on the board.)

Birds of Paradise is a great early mana accel, is a flyer for a blocker to help protect the Walkers, and if someone shocks it it only set you back 1 mana.

Wild Nacatl could be good if you dont take the advice on the lands that Ill be giving you in a bit.

Best of All is: Vexing Shusher. hes a properly costed Bear, gets on the board every time. and if he doesn't get shocked out he helps to guarantee your walkers hit the board.

Next: Commune with Nature as a 2 of is bad. it should be a four of if ever played. Also if you are not running enough creatures, there are going to be time when it does nothing for you. In this deck it is especially going to have problems because of your 60 cards, only 11 of them are creatures. This is not enough to guarantee that one of your five cards is going to be a creature (not that you can ever make that guarantee, but here even less so.)

I say cut it for a better draw or search card: Elvish Visionary, Gift of the Gargantuan - I still dont like that, but its better -, or even 2 more Angel Songs (decent utility option there I suppose)

As for the lands. I say swap the Rampant growths to Llanawar elves, Birds, or Druid of the Anima, and goto 24 Nonbasic Lands. 4x Prairie 4x Shrine 4x Fire Thicket 4x Karpulsan Forest 4x Brushland 4x R. Pool

Personally, I have a love/hate relationship w/ G. Bairn and Rings, but thats another post/discussion.

DRokRoss said...

2/2 for 3 w/ regards to the Naya Battlemage (I should edit my comments b4 posting.

Shirolotus said...

I originally had bird and other mana acceleration creatures but was thinking fire spout maindeck or sideboard and that pretty much said sorry to the birds and critter mana acceleration.

I would actually say that commune is fine at because there are only 11 creatures it moves 5 cards out of the way to get to those creatures, or you find one and draw it.

I was reconsidering again today, I always have these grand notions about how awesome it would be to reuse and ability over and over - like Gilder Bairn, but then on a rethink a win condition doesn't need to go overboard, especially if it eats up 8+ cards to make it a reusable combo (it's greedy and because it would be just great to see an opponents face when they realize you could keep up the cheese)

It can be a more effective build to just attack with Gilder Bairn once to cause it to tap and use it's ability at that time.

that might free up the room to create some alternative combos that aren't reliant on a planeswalker, more like old fashioned winning.