Friday, January 09, 2009

Building Challenge

No one came up with a challenge of the week. So here's what I'll do. I will put up a decklist that I think has a fun theme, and you guys can try to improve it, if you feel inspired to do so. I think this decklist has lots of potential. I love Naya Charm, in particular. It lets you get back a card from your graveyard at instant speed. So whatever card in your deck is most useful for your current game, you get to cast a second time. Esper Charm can be devestating with its discard or draw at instant speed, plus it kills pesky enchantments. Grixis Charm has three good abilities all on one card. It is useful in vertially every match-up. So I built a deck around those three cards, with the idea of being able to nullify what my opponent is trying to do, meanwhile whittiling away at their life with my bitterblossom. Here it is:

5c. toolbox-charms

4x Rampant Growth
4x Bitterblossom
4x Fairhaven Elf
3x Esper Charm
3x Naya Charm
3x Grixis Charm
3x Jund Charm
3x Murderous Redcap
3x Sower of Temptation
2x Makeshift Mannequin
3x Mulldrifter
25 Lands

So I like the versatility of the charms. This deck has lots of targeted control stuff, but it is slow, and doesn't have a clear win condition (grixis charm to give my faerie tokens +2/+0 until EoT might be the most obvious).

So how can I improve this obviously not very good deck? The only thing I care about is having Naya Charm, Grixis Charm and Jund Charm all in a deck together.


Sean said...

Here are two good cards that I couldn't fit into my decklist:

Ajani Vengeant

Sean said...

I felt like jund is needed because it is a board sweeper, makes a blocker big enough to kill something, or shits down reveillark. I'd love to play bant charm, too, but I couldn't find room for it.

Shirolotus said...

so I don't think I've got a good enough head for magic to give suggestions on a 5 color deck. Which is why I've been playing mono-white. But here's what I'm seeing so far, the 3 charms you really want to use have the following mana costs, 2 black, 2 green, 1 white, 1 blue, and 3 red. But you have like 3 that need 2 blue, and 3 more that need a single blue. Great cards, but feels like u might be spending some time looking at sower and not playing him, but I guess if you count esper charm then you would have put the blue in to get some use out of him.

My opinion is Grixis Charm and Naya are your primary win conditions off bitterblossom, with murderous being a damage filler with mannequin. But this deck is too spread out - yeah it's funny if you can play 4 charms, but I think you are hurting yourself for doing so. 2 charms maindeck, and if you feel like you hate the Lark or other weenie then pop in the jund charm from sideboard.

I can see why you would want to play these 4, cause you have an answer for so many problems, only issue is, you are forever before you really start doing anything, even if you get a turn 2 Bitterblossom. Ran a couple mental magic games in my head of best case scenarios and you don't get rolling till turn 6 or better, not seeing a win till between 7 to 9 if everything went perfectly.

t2 bitterblossom
t3 rampant growth
t4 murderous opp life 17
t5 jund +2 on murderous after out/in opp life 15
t6 naya tap all, grixis +2 all three 3/1 flying, 5/3 murderous for 14 damage. opponent at 1
t7 swing with all, if kills redcap you win, if doesn't block all flying, you win.

Best case in my mind.

in the process of looking at this, I felt like maybe bitter blossom could be replaced but in searching for farhaven, I typed 'fair' and got 'prowess of the fair' so I'm going to build something around that, which might use naya charm or something.

Sorry if I'm no help

Sean said...

Thanks for looking at it. It does seem far too unwielding to be playing with three or more charms, although I can solve some problems along the way, I don't have a consistent win condition. I like the idea of grixis and naya with the others in the board.

So how about:

4x Rampant growth
4x bitterblossom
4x fairhaven elf
4x naya charm
4x grixis charm
3x murderous redcap
3x sprouting thirnax
3x makeshift mannequin
4x mulldrifter
2x profane command

+25 lands

That is thirty cards for a pretty solid mana acceleration + control.

3x esper charm
3x jund charm
3x bant charm
3x something good
3x something good

DRokRoss said...

4 Bitterblossom
4 Mulldrifter
4 Kitchen Finks

4 Oblivion Ring
4 Cryptic Command
4 Wrath Of God
4 Esper Charm
4 Jund Charm
2 Naya Charm
2 Grixis Charm

2 Adarkar Wastes
2 Cascade Bluffs
4 Mystic Gate
4 Reflecting Pool
4 Sunken Ruins
2 Underground River
2 Vivid Creek
2 Vivid Marsh
2 Vivid Meadow

I think something like that is where I'd go, any questions?

Sean said...

My deck accelerated into...nothing. Your deck has control (I like four jund charm, four wrath, four o-ring), draw (drifter, esper charm) and eventually tries to win by keeping the opponent's board clear to swing with drifters, 1/1 fairie rogues and the occasional finks.

If only you could fit in 2 reveillarks or 2 mannequins, and this would be my current favorite deck.

DRokRoss said...

deck doesn't need lark or mannequin, already has naya charm and grixis charm. they both act as recursion already.