Monday, January 12, 2009

Was I supposed to be Fixing Sean's Charm deck? Oops

3 x bird of paradise
4 x llanowar elves
3 x Rhys the Redeemed
4 x Elvish Visionary
3 x Wolf-Skull Shaman
3 x crib swap
4 x Mirror Entity
4 x Elvish Harbringer
4 x Imperious Perfect
2 x Gilt-Leaf Archdruid
1 x Nath of the Gilt-Leaf
looks like a 35 card 25 land?
Ever get one of those moments where you look at a card and get an idea that you feel is really funny and then when you're done looking at it, you realize how dumb of an idea it was. Well welcome to the 'prowess of the fair' inspired elves. I originally thought hey persist elves would be hillarious, but guess what there aren't that many of them, then I thought ok cauldron haze elves with prowess, then I saw it would be way easier just to pump out other tokens.
So basic win concept is Harbringer for a Gilt-leaf Archdruid, hopefully you've tokened to 7 creatures and a mirror entity then you tap 7 and woopie you have all the opponents lands, and swarm into them. If you haven't done this by turn 6 you should have muliganed into a llanowar and a harbringer or at least a visionary.
T1 land llanowar
T2 land Elvish Harbringer
T3 land rhys the redeemed, imperious perfect, bird of paradise
T4 land mirror entity, wolf-skull
T5 Gilt-Leaf Archdruid tap 1 - 4 mana make creatures druid 1/1 to 4/4 tap 7 of them and steal opponents lands
T6 tap your and their lands to make all creatures your 4 lands plus all theirs up to 5 equals potentially 7 creatures at 6/6 to 9/9.
That's on god draw, and assuming you didn't get firespouted, or wrathed or jund charmed in the mean time. If you did, you're screwed game over cause this is a one trick pony.
Side board Cauldron haze in, along with elvish champion, and prowess of the fair against mass board removal, and now you might have a chance, cause you cauldron haze, if you have a prowess in play you get 1/1 equal to the number of creatures you lost, and then cauldron haze gets you them back and if you had a imperious perfect or elvish champion in play, all your creatures get to stay in play (I think, Drok will probably let me know if I'm wrong), and even if you don't have either of those in play, so long as you have a prowess of the fair, then they come back into play gets a -1/1 counter and then leaves play again giving you double the number of creatures you originally had in play.
Woopie for answers. other sideboard elves, elvish hexhunter (G, tap sac. destroy enchant), elvish eulogist (sac. gain 1 life per elf in graveyard), oracle of nectars (2G, pay X tap, gain X life), oblivion ring, maybe heartmender for the cauldron, don't really know.
So this is what I did when I couldn't figure out what to do for Sean's Charm deck. I figure Drok will cover that one for me.


Sean said...

Wow, I love your idea of Cauldron Haze and Prowess of the Fair! All of your creatures come back, PLUS you get elf tokens for all the guys that almost died! YAH! So I built a deck, too:

4x Llanowar Elves
4x Nettle Sentinel
3x Heritage Druid
4x Elvish Visionary
4x Wolf-Skull Shaman
4x Imperious Perfect
3x Garruk Wildspeaker
2x Prowess of the Fair
3x Cauldron Haze
4x Infest

You make a bunch of guys early on. Your wolf shaman has 25 cards (a 43% chance or so) to give you tokens. This deck will look and feel just like an elf deck. But then, when you have four 1/1 and 2/2 guys and your opponent is starting to play some meat shields, you cauldron haze + infest for a ton of guys, and then next turn give everyone +3 +3 and trample!

Shirolotus said...

I thought this would fit well with the elf idea you had been working with. gives it a bit of staying power agains mass removal, that made it a bad match when I was playing against it in mono-white. I had considered putting a plainswalker in, but was leaning ajani - I think you've got a more consistent looking build with Garruk. that's assuming cauldron and persist works like I think it does.