Tuesday, March 12, 2013

U-Block? W/U

This is pretty much just the same blue/white enchant deck, but more focused on unblockables because butcher's cleaver works with anything for the +3/0 it just works better with a Human for life link. The best kill scenario is the same as the pure human's build, but this version may be more consistent with more unblockables constantly getting damage through - this actually has a lower curve because of removing the holy mantle's - obviously they aren't needed as much with 13 unblockable creatures. Also with 6 ways to get life link going you should be able to have decent recovery if you have a slow start. I really like this soulbond concept for diverting their removal target to the soulbond creature, cause even if they hit the unblockable creature, the soulbond can just go on the next unblockable you play, sort of making it a lightning rod but not really hurting your offense: getting card draw or life link screams get rid of me or you lose though. I have a blue/black version of this that i'm really not happy with - I really like this version better but am missing the detention spheres, and am obviously already using the same deck concept for the b/w. It does look like a wash rinse repeat of my other builds, but that's just cause you can't go wrong with heavy removal - most wins are coming from creatures in this block and in the case where you have 8 remove any permanent effects in one color that = win no matter what combo you are supporting with that removal (as we both have noticed in draft situations even, the guy with more removal will win more often than the guy with less removal/board control)
4 Invisible Stalker
3 Latch Seeker
2 Soulswoarn Spirit
4 Keymaster Rogue
3 Tandem Lookout
3 Nearheath Pilgrim

(13 unblockable, 3 draw, 3 lifelink)

19 Creatures

4 Oblivion Ring
4 Detention Sphere
2 Ethereal Armor
4 Bonds of Faith
3 Butcher's Cleaver
2 Arrest
19 Spells

16 Enchants 3 Artifacts (8 removal, 6 Arrest effects, 9 creature buffs, 3 lifelink)

2.76 avg. mana curve.

Sideboard = TBD

Alternative cards not used
Curiousity (for card draw early)
Fog Bank (flying 0/2 defender that neither deals nor receives combat damage)
Elgaud Shieldmate (for soulbond hexproof)
Riders of Gavony (for all creatures protection from 1 creature type)
Intrepid hero (for tap remove any target creature power =<4 div="">
Any of the Misc. White and W/U wrath effects.

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