Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Steal your nerd and ooze you in the face with him

4x Ooze Garden
4x Rampant Growth
4x Violent Outburst
4x Mark of Mutiny
4x Momentous Fall
4x Bloodbraid Elf
4x Traitorous Instinct
3x Sarkhan Vol
3x Stone Idol Trap
2x Conquering Manticore
4x Oren-Reif, the Vastwood
4x Raging Ravine
4x Rootbound Crag
1x Forest
2x Turntimber Grove
7x Mountain

Its simple. Play lands. Wait till my opponent plays some guys. Steal them. Turn them sideways, if available. Turn them into a mold. Pretty funny, really. Drok's creatureless deck would pwn me soundly, no doubt, but most people play creatures in their deck.

Rise of the Eldrazai really helps this out quite a bit. Momentous Fail--er, Fall--is pretty much the best way to end the life of a Baneslayer stolen with Sarkhan Vol. After I swing with it, of course. Pretty awesome. Gain life, draw cards, creature goes bye bye.

Traitorous Instict: R + 3 to play. Gain control of a creature, it gets +2/+0 until end of turn. Let's say I steal a 2/2. It becomes a 4/2. I swing for 4. I activate Ooze Garden. I activate oren-rief, the vastwood. For seven mana I hit you for 4 in the face, kill your guy, and now I have a 5/5 ooze. Go.

Stone Idol Trap isn't new, but it's perfect. Either gets me a 6/6 ooze (after blocking a guy as a combat trick and killing him, then swinging trampling for 6), or i can fall it and draw 6 and gain 12. That's pretty good, i think.

The Conquering Masticore is pretty hot. I think. Might be better running a cheapish devour creature, or perhaps explore. Or maybe even a win-con. Like +1 Vol, +1 Trap.

Tuktuk the explore, Magmaw, and splintertwin are all new red cards that fit the theme of this deck. Magmaw gives me an alternate sac source but is expensive and dies pretty easily. Tuktuk gives me a 1/1 mold (bigger with oran-rief vastwood) AND a 5/5 guy. Or if I have 2 or so vastwoods, I can spend 7 mana and end up with a 3/3 and a 7/7 mold, which is pretty funny. It's like a monored not as good version of sprouting thrinax, which is cool cause i don't have black. If I did I could run the thrinax, as well as abyssal persecutor, but it jacks up the mana base.

Splintertwin isn't great because it's an aura and I don't really run any creatures of my own. But if I did, it would be funny. Not really playable for me as is, though. Unlike Tuktuk. And kinda Magmaw, but that feels kinda like a casual player card.

Ok, so watch this. Turn six, I have a vastwood, a ravine, a mountain and two forests, as well as a sarkhan, and my opponent just swung with a vampire nighthawk then played bloodwitch. Sarkhan is at 3. I activate the second ability of vol, targeting the bloodwitch. I play a turntimber grove, giving it +1/+1. I play Violent Outburst, giving it another +1/+1, hitting an ooze garden with the cascade. I swing for 6. I ooze it. Now I have a nearly dead vol and a 6/6 guy. Next turn I can swing with my guy and kill something, and then after combat draw 6 cards and gain 6 life.

It doesn't look anything like a tier 1 deck, but it looks pretty funny to me. I'd play it at FNM. Probably not at a PTQ.


Sean said...

So I went a little overboard with the steal creatures effects. I should probably run some removal. I don't need to worry about creature removal (with the exception of vedalken outlander and kor firewalker I have lots of maindeck creature death, but the firewalker makes me want to go ahead and splash black, or just use a manabase like me the option of thirnax, and gives me deathmark in the board). So other stuff removal in Red and Green. Goblin Ruinblaster gets a pesky land. Acidic Slime gets a land or enchantment or artifact. But Mold Shambler gets a planeswalker. I can't imagine planeswalkers will cause me much trouble, though, since I can steal your creature, swing through and finish your planeswalker, and then sac your creature.

--Speaking of sacing your creatures, there is the RGB guy that sacs a creature and gets a +1/+1 counter. Since I'm using Violent Outburst to tutor up my ooze garden (half the time hitting rampant growth) I could go ahead and run the jund land base, play the sac guy and thrinax, and take out some of my other stuff.

Sean said...

3 Ooze Garden
4 Explore
4 Violent Outburst
4 Sprouting Thrinax
4 Mark of Mutiny
2 Momentous Fall
4 Bloodbraid Elf
4 Abyssal Persecutor
3 Traitorous Instinct
3 Sarkhan Vol

25 lands
4 Oren-Rief, the Vastwood
4 Raging Ravine
2 Deathclaw Reaches
4 Savage Lands
4 Verdant Catacombs
3 Forest
3 Swamp
1 Mountain

Since my basic land count is low, and half my lands come in tapped, it seemed like explore would do more good than rampant growth. Violent outburst will still tutor me good cards and make my guys big. Persecutor in the MD is boss. This looks like a fun deck to play.

DRokRoss said...

you know, we already have jund nearly built, why not go back to the jund build and go -3 SGC +3 Ooze Garden?

Sean said...

You mean more like:

3 ooze garden
4 explore
3 violent outburst
4 sprouting thrinax
4 blightning
4 act of treason
4 mark of mutiny
2 sarkhan vol
4 bloodbraid elf
3 stone idol trap

4 Oren-Rief, the Vastwood
4 Raging Ravine
2 Deathclaw Reaches
4 Savage Lands
4 Verdant Catacombs
3 Forest
3 Swamp
1 Mountain


DRokRoss said...

I really meant more along the lines of:

3 Ooze Garden

4 Bloodbraid Elf
4 Putrid Leech
4 Sprouting Thrinax
2 Abyssal Persecuter

2 Bituminous Blast
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Terminate

2 Sarkhan Vol

4 Blightning
3 Maelstrom Pulse

Basic Lands
3 Forest
3 Mountain
2 Swamp

4 Dragonskull Summit
1 Lavaclaw Reaches
4 Raging Ravine
1 Rootbound Crag
4 Savage Lands
4 Verdant Catacombs

Basically try Ooze garden in a known working deck with a few modifications and see what changes need to be made from there.