Monday, April 05, 2010

Beat the Meat. I mean Meta.

4 Duress
4 Path to Exile
4 Kor Firewalker
4 White Knight
4 Tidehollow Sculler
4 Oblivion Ring
4 Blightning
3 Day of Judgment
3 Baneslayer
2 Identity Crisis

Play some creatures that are good vs jund and RDW (pro black & red guys, baneslayer); play some good discard stuff (duress, THS, IC, blightning) and some good removal (path, o-ring, day). Lots of random good cards all in a RWB control deck. The idea is to build a deck to beat RDW and Jund. I don't know how good it would be. Looks like I'd still do ok to Cruel Control and U/W control with identity crisis and THS. Who knows though.


DRokRoss said...

so with a mana base like:

4x Arid Mesa
4x Marsh Flats
4x Dragonskull Summit
2x Mountain
5x Plains
5x Swamp

Its neat, but Im not sure about the red in here making it difficult to work with the WW costs in the 2 drop slot.

lots of good 2 drops

Sean said...

Yeah, that seems pretty good.

WB is pretty hard right now, but BR or WR is not, so i'm probably looking a a turn 3 double-white or double-black guy, and i'll be making hard choices with my arid mesa--go after my second plains, or my first mountain.

Thought Hemmhorage & Obelisk of Alara will be good board choices.

Also terminates could go in instead of O-ring, and move the ring to the board?

Probably what this deck needs is MORE Maindeck hate for RDW and Jund. So -2 Identity Crisis +2 something cheap and life-gaining, such as basilisk collar? Or +3 white mystic shaman guy +2 collars, -3 day -2 crisis? The problem with life gaining stuff is a) it usually sucks vs everything except mono-red; b) it is almost always a bad card. The collar is fine, but I have to draw it which means i need a tutor, which means i'm wasting turn 2 or 3. Then I still have to equip it, most often to a 2/2 guy. True, a first-striking deathstriking pro-black 2/2 is a pretty awesome 2/2 guy, but the sculler and the kor guy are pretty lame for a collar, and it is redundant for the angel.

I'm just thinking Day and Crisis aren't great for jund or RDW, but I've already got the standard hate in the maindeck. What more could I do? Mind Rot? Mind Shatter? I'm afraid I'll be drawing those when I need answers for the board. So that gets me back to stuff like Journey, O-ring, or Celestial Purge--all good hate for RDW and Jund, as well as vamps, but puts me that much closer to auto-loss vs everything else.

DRokRoss said...

what about:

-4 Blightning
+4 Esper Charm
change the SB options.

this gives a stronger mana base:
4x Marsh Flats
4x Drowned Catacomb
4x Glacial Fortress
2x Celestial Collonade
4x Plains
6x Swamp

Sean said...

I like blue. It lets me run another pro-red guy, the UW outlander. This has got me thinking about a BUW spread em concept...I am going to look at my cascade options. Off hand I think it is the deny reality and the kathari remenant guy, and they are both kinda overcosted. But making my opponents lands different things is pretty good vs jund and RDW--if i can keep RDW off of double red then i have a much better chance of making it to mid-range and late game. I'm gonna look at it, anyway. I won't include jace because I'll probably never have them, and i lose out on ajani, bloodbraid elf and captured sunlight.