Sunday, February 21, 2010

RG ramp combo/LD v2

the mana ramping
4x Birds
4x Lotus Cobra
4x Explore
4x Harrow
3x Garruk

the ld
4x Roiling Terrain
4x Acidic Slime
3x Mold Shambler
3x Lavaball Trap

the win-con

3x Bogardan Hellkite
(garruk counts as win-con, too)

4x Arid Mesa
4x Misty Rainforest
9x Forest
6x Mountain
1x Plains

3x Thornling
3x Goblin Ruinblaster
4x Volcanic Fallout
2x Obelisk of Alara
3x Sylvan Bounty

The problem I'm having is 8 mana is one more than 7 mana, and the thornling is more resiliant. So I'll board in the thornling after they see the hellkite and hopefully they won't have path.

This version looks better...the obelisk with a plains helps vs RDW, and I already match up as well as I can vs jund and ultimadeum, since they are 3+ colors and mid-range dependent. Weanie and RDW will be harder to beat.

So what do i need to change?


DRokRoss said...

I'd like to see this played out a bit. I do however think that the SB needs some work here.

I think that Obelisk of Alara (with only one plain in the deck even) is strictly better than Sylvan Bounty here. More versatile and a more reusable gain that isnt that much more difficult to cast and use.

however, I think there are better options out there for that sideboard slot.

If you want life gain:
Grazing Gladeheart

Versatility v. RDW and Control:
Ajani Vengeant (This may require an extra plains I think though.)

Jund Charm (requires a small manabase change.)

Sean said...

I wanted the gladeheart, but i figured it was a pipedream to think i would get to use him vs RDW because he's a lightning bolt. Since I have 4 birds i thought the obelisk might even let me use the blue and black ability. But I'm guessing the obelisk, vs RDWs, is gonna be pretty slow and I need something pretty fast.

Ajani is a good idea, i didn't think of that. Has synergy with my plans of LD, too, he can keep one locked down or if i need some life, give me a helix.

jund charm is good cause it gets rid of unearth creatures, or what were you thinking of with that? i love jund charm, i'm just not sure i see where you're going with it

DRokRoss said...

jund charm does a few things for you, it can stop unearth, or give you instant speed sweeper. especially since you are trying to keep your opponent short on lands. or can provide some combat tricks.