Tuesday, February 16, 2010

RG mana ramp

4x Lotus Cobra
3x Birds of Paradise
4x Goblin Ruinblaster
4x Acidic Slime
3x Seige-Gang Commander

4x Explore
3x Lavaball Trap
4x Roiling Terrain
4x Harrow
3x Khalani Heart Expedition

24 lands
3x Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle
4x Teramorphic Expanse
11x Mountain
6x Forest

My original idea was to include black for targeted removal and desecrated earth. Then I kept thinking how I wanted to not use desecrated earth, cause even in ramp it is pretty expensive when really all i care about is killing a land, i might as well just run Demolish. Then I remembered the hasty goblin and I figured I could do worse than that. I wanted to add Ob Nixilis, and it might be the call. I haven't piloted a lotus cobra engined mana-ramp, so i'm not sure if it is likely to get the mana to play ob nix and still have some land fetching to utilize his ability. I went with the seige-gang over the hellkite because it is easier to use if i don't get my ramp going, for whatever reason.

Two colors still seems easier than three, in terms of making my floating mana options easier decisions. Instead of floating a black, red and green, or two black and a green, or whatever, now it'll be float a green and the rest red. Probably. I'm fairly confidant that this deck could run black (or white, or blue) and not have a big problem, but it'll be a little more stream-lined and user-friendly in just two colors.

So no black.

Then I realized this decklist already exists, and it runs the legendary red land that interacts with mountains. This version just has more emphasis on ramping into early LD to help me get to my molten pinnacle centric win-con.

Cards that I like that didn't make it, but maybe should have:
Bogardan Hellkite
Lightning Bolt
Volcanic Fallout
Bloodbraid Elf
Burst Lightning
Meteor Storm


DRokRoss said...

only ten sources of green and playing one drop mana producers?

Sean said...

i guess its even worse than that cause expanse brings it in tapped... you've been playing a deck kinda like this recently, what would you do?

DRokRoss said...

remove expanse completely sub in the fetch lands instead for one.
swap the mountains and the forest counts. you can afford to go lighter on the red mana sources because green provides the ways to get your mana.

Because of this, I'd end up removing valakut, it just doesnt work out well for what the deck wants to do.

4x Misty Rainforest
4x Scalding Tarn
10x Forest
6x Mountain

DRokRoss said...

btw valakut actually is not a legendary land. 4of.