Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dumb Idea #685419 - Creatureless control RW

4x Lightning Bolt
4x Path to Exile
4x Burst Lightning
4x Oblivion Ring
4x Volcanic Fallout
3x Earthquake
4x Chain Reaction
4x Day of Judgement
2x Comet Storm
2x Martial Coup

1x Baneslayer

4x Arid Mesa
4x Valakut the Molten Pinnacle
11x Mountains
5x Plains

3x Banefire
3x Baneslayer
1x Earthquake
1x Martial Coup
3x Ajani Vengeant
4x Pyroclasm

Edit: Pyroclasm has recently replaced Luminarch Ascension


Sean said...

I love a creatureless deck! Needs more cowbell. I mean Luminarch Ascension.

DRokRoss said...

Ascension could be pretty good in this deck for sure. I thin however my first build is going to avoid it as it is not removal and currently the deck is nothing but removal.

I suppose I could rename this deck to RW Removal Wins.

DRokRoss said...

Also I should probably be running Some Martial Coup in this deck as well, maybe -2 Comet Storm +2 Coup?

Sean said...

-1 o-ring
-1 comet storm
-1 chain reaction
+3 martial coup

or you could just do it the way you said. i guess o-ring could be pretty important in this deck as a way to get rid of artifacts or enchantments or planeswalkers, but 1 in the sideboard, along with some other tech like solemn offering, but not solemn offering, and you're good.

the reason i like coup as a 3 of and not a 2 of is it fills 2 rolls. firstly its removal, second it's win con. but it is different than comet storm. six mana in comet storm might kill a big creature or deal some damage to the dome, but it isn't going to win the game like ten mana will. however, a turn six coup can win you the game the next turn. so its some nice versatility. of course, without any creatures it makes your opponents removal dead cards, and that is pretty cool, so you might want to just bring in coup out of the board?

i could see it going either way. but it could, in my opinion, deserve a 3-of slot in the MD or the board, wherever you decide to put it.

And where is your font of mythos :)

DRokRoss said...

I like the idea of coup from the board a lot for this deck actually. the problem with putting too many in the board though is in regards to space in the SB in case I need to have other options besides just constant creature removal.

Font of Mythos I think would be too problematic against burn. Im already going to be taking a lot of pain from earthquakes and fallouts so If I give red too many cards in hand, they could potentially burn me out. this would be bad. Also dont forget that one of the beautiful things about this deck is I am always drawing either removal or land (which eventually becomes removal.)

DRokRoss said...

LOL google search:
RW Creatureless standard

Sean said...

wow, you're winning

DRokRoss said...

yup, sure am.

SO after the deck is built properly do the Walletslayers go MD or SB?

Sean said...

Does that mean Baneslayers? Cause I'd keep em sideboard so their removal is wasted game one, and with any luck they take them out game 2.

DRokRoss said...

yes, walletslayer = baneslayer, and I was thinking the same thing.

DRokRoss said...

3x Banefire
3x Baneslayer
3x Bogardan Hellkite
3x Obelisk of Alara?
3x Martial Coup *somewhere between here and th MD

Sean said...

Looks pretty viable to me. Sometime in the next few weeks we should make this one and the best version of the ramp and go down to FNM. They may even be playing on saturday afternoons again, but i'm not sure.

Its funny because my current tourny deck started off as a rw creatureless and yours was ramp combo, now we are revamping and switching decks.

I'm gonna reconsider the LD idea and figure out if its better to try LD or Valakut, cause it looks like you can ramp with that many mountains. At least not with birds. So I either need stuff like rampant growth, panoramas and terramorphic expanses, and the molten pinnacle as the win con, or i need the usual ramp suspects (bop and cobra) and fetch lands and my win con is hit my LD before my opponent can get to mid game...

Sean said...

And it's a good thing you only have 3 baneslayers, cause that's all i own. luckily i got them when they were $20. so we might need to trade for comet storm and so random uncommons and commons, but that probably shouldn't be a problem, especially since comet storm was a promo release or pre-release card.

z0rs said...

I suggest 1 maindeck Baneslayer.
Occasionally it will just win a game by itself. When your opponent sees it game one they assume you're running a few of them at which point you side it out, causing them to dilute their deck by leaving some forms of removal in for game 2. If they don't see it you bring in the other 3 now that their deck has little or no creature removal.
It only costs one slot and the theoretical gain is huge by making sideboarding a lot harder on your opponents. Also, hitting that 1 baneslayer is probably your only chance of winning game 1 vs RDW and I see that being your toughest matchup.

DRokRoss said...

new sb thoughts:
3x Banefire
3x Baneslayer
1x Earthquake
1x Martial Coup
3x Ajani Vengeant
4x Luminarch Ascension

DRokRoss said...

proxied without the sb!

DRokRoss said...

So it seems like this deck wants Everflowing Chalice. Not like other decks that want it early but Im thinking after turn 4 (turn 4 it wants to clear the board) this could be a great ramp for the earthquakes, comet storms, and Martial Coups.

Also previouly Ajani Vengeant has been mentioned, and I like this inclusion as well.

-1 Chain Reaction
-1 Day of Judgement
-1 Earthquake
-1 Oblivion Ring
-1 Fallout

+2 Ajani, Vengeant
+3 Everflowing Chalice

Sean said...

Yup, I have those. Your deck is put together. I think I can play FNM this week, if you want to get your deck together and run it a few times before hand let me know. I have Open the Vaults (I don't have Spreading Seas, and I'd like them, stupid commons) and RDW. I don't have Naya, but maybe we should build a Naya proxy since its pretty great. And vampires. If you can beat RDW, vampires, or Naya, then you have yourself a good chance of top-8'ing.

Sean said...

I traded for a chandra ablaze, so you have the 2 from the other night and this one, making 3. And I got you 1 earthquake, but it is chinese or something so you will have to memorize what it does