Wednesday, July 08, 2009

RWG, updated. Kind of.

So I'm thinking of trying to keep a current standard deck without having to buy a bunch of new cards. My RWG deck still has some punch, I think. It is full of good cards. I haven't used it in a standard tournament in about six months. It might be a little behind in the times, especially with the pain lands going out. So I've been looking over the decklist. I haven't decided on one slot, but I feel pretty good about the rest of it. What do you all think?

4x w/r figure of destiny
3x g birds of paradise
4x 1g elvish visionary
4x 1g bloom tender
4x rgw naya charm
4x rgw wooly thoctar
3x 2gg garruk wildspeaker
3x 2rw ajani vengeant
2x 2rg sarkhan vol
2x 2ww elspeth, knight-errant
3x 3rgw realm razor

4x jungle shrine
4x rootbound crag
4x sunpetal grove
4x reflecting pool
2x fire-lit thicket
2x rugged prarie
2x forest
1x mountain
1x plains

3x 1gw dauntless escort
4x 2w oblivion ring
4x 2gg chamaleon colussus
4x gw qasali pridemage

So I'm not completely set on Elvish Visionary. I've tried to carefully consider everything that costs one or two mana in the current standard build (trying to avoid lorwyn, since it won't be in much longer) and here is the short list I've come up with.

1g elvish visionary
g noble hierarch
gr naya hushblade
gr rip-clan crasher
1r sparkmage apprentice
g wild nacatl
rw ceradon yearling
gr jund hackblade

wr sangrite backlash
w path to exile

combat tricks:
gr colossal might
w harms way

card advantage:
r/g fossil find
gw reborn hope

w silence

Creatures seem to be the immediate need and most glaring lack in this current decklist. I have lots of great cards, and not a lot of creatures. Card advantage is a big lack, also. That's why I decided on the elvish visionary. But what about something weird like Silence, or Fossil Find, both interesting choices for 1 mana. Harms Way and Colossal Might are both good, but I fear they aren't great in this deck because I don't automatically have creatures to play every turn, so I'm afraid I'll be holding a colossal might and not have any creatures to play it on. On the other hand, giving my wooly thoctar trample, and pumping his toughness and strength to keep him alive, that could be useful. But I'm thinking not useful enough. I need something good, really good. And after lack of creatures in my decklist is lack of removal. That is fine, since hopefully I'll mana ramp into my combo and kill my opponent before they can get out any win conditions. But that is a best case scenario.

That all gets me back to Card Advantage to enable the combo (elvish visionary) and creatures to help my planeswalkers, or REMOVAL, so my topdeck sarkhan vol doesn't die the next turn. Which means I need Path to Exile main deck.

So there it is. I'm pretty much going to have to decide between path or visionary, and I don't know what the right choice is.

Thoughts? Maybe you have a better more perfect card in mind? Am I even right to think the maindeck is otherwise a solid foundation?


(edit, drok's suggested decklist) Just to get this on the front page:

4x figure of destiny
4x Bloom Tender
4x Wooly Thoctar
3x Realm Razor

3x Garruk, Wildspeaker
3x Ajani Vengeant
2x Sarkhan Vol
2x Elspeth, Knight Errant

4x Lightning Bolt
4x Path to Exile
3x Martial Coup

4x Rootbound Crag
4x Sunpetal Grove
4x Reflecting Pool
4x Forest
4x Plains
3x Mountains


DRokRoss said...

I personally like the idea of a more board control option here.

-3 BoP
-4 Elvish Visionary
-4 Naya Charm
+4 Lightning Bolt
+4 Path to Exile
+3 Martial Coup

just play into one of your 20ish win-cons (FoD, Thoctar, Garruk, Sarkhan, Elspeth, or Razer) and tell whatever your opponent drops to gtfo.

This deck has so many threats that if you can keep denying your opponent any board positiuon. you should eventually win just about every game.

Optionally, you could goto 2 Martial Coups and +1 Banefire, or something like that.

Sean said...

Cool, you took out the 11 cards that aren't a win-con and you added 8 control and 3 control/win-con. Looks pretty darn good to me, and probably fun to play.

DRokRoss said...

I would however, like to see 4x mulldrifter in this deck.

Sean said...

Mulldrifter only has another three months, then it'll be dead!

No ponder or CC either!

And Mystic Snake didn't make M10!

DRok, your decklist in a few months may not include Blue...weird to think about...reminds me of the glory days of the thallid...

DRokRoss said...

4x figure of destiny
4x Bloom Tender
4x Wooly Thoctar
3x Realm Razor

3x Garruk, Wildspeaker
3x Ajani Vengeant
2x Sarkhan Vol
2x Elspeth, Knight Errant

4x Lightning Bolt
4x Path to Exile
3x Martial Coup

4x Rootbound Crag
4x Sunpetal Grove
4x Reflecting Pool
4x Forest
4x Plains
3x Mountains