Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Challenge of the Week

We all know card advantage is a good thing. That's why we played with cards like Dark Confidant and Bitterblossom. Sometimes, there is a price to pay for card advantage, and sometimes its worth it. Sometimes, though, it is just a bad card with a bad effect. I'm assuming that is what most people think about my selection for challenge of the week, since I've never seen it in any decklist, ever, nor heard anyone talk about it, ever. So how to make a bad card playable? That does seem to be you guy's specialty, after all.

Without further adieu:

Ad Nauseam. What's it got going for it? It lets you potentially draw as many cards as you want for five measly mana. It is an instant; usually black cards that say draw on them are are either triggered effects (graveborn muse, dark confidant) or at sorcery speed. It is in black, a nice color to make life loss and drawing relevant.

Now the downside. You have to lose life every time you draw a card that has converted mana higher than zero. So you have to build the entire deck around the principal of you may be playing ad nauseam on turn five or later, and possibly have already taken damage in the combat step by your opponent's creatures turning sideways, which means your life total may be less than twenty.

Ok, so think about all that, and get back to me.

I already came up with my decklist.

Assault On Intelligence
4x Mogg Fanatic
4x Knucklebone Witch
4x Facevaulter
4x Festering Goblin
4x Pack's Disdain
4x Sensation Gorger
4x Goblin King
3x Seismic Assault
3x Goblin Assault
3x Ad Nauseam
4x Graven Cairns
4x Sulfurous Springs
6x Mountains
9x Swamps

So the idea is early game aggro that either turns into mid-game combo (seismic assault + ad nauseam) or mid-game aggro (if you are playing someone who has not yet drawn firespout or wrath, you get to win with aggro). Either way is fun. Play a bunch of goblins, use your limited removal to get rid of their early game blockers (hope they don't have kitchen finks!) and by turn three your dumb goblins should get them to around ten life or so. If all your goblins die, no problem, drop your seismic assault, play ad nauseam, and draw a bunch of lands to finish them off!

I get bonus points for using Sensation Gorger, right?


DRokRoss said...

Hrm, I guess the Doran Rock could use a little bit of Card Draw, so how about something like:

4x Birds of Paradise
4x Treefolk Harbinger
4x Devoted Druid
4x Doran, the Siege Tower
2x Sapling of Colfener
4x Chameleon Colossus

3x Ad Nauseum
4x Gift of the Gargantuan
3x Primal Command
4x Unmake

4x Brushland
4x Murmuring Bosk
4x Twilight Mire
4x Llanawar Wastes
4x Wooded Bastion
1x Forest
3x Treetop Village

Sean said...

Interesting. At least you're not running any ultimadeums...still, lots of expensive cards in the ol' converted mana cost region. All I can say is that ad nauseum is gonna hurt. But sometimes card advantage is worth the pain, right?

No comments about me finding a half-way legitimate excuse for running sensation gorger? I always considered it to be one of the most unplayable cards from the block. Sure, I could be running 4 of goblin king and mad auntie instead, and my deck might win more, I can hear you say, but still...

DRokRoss said...

Oh, I have my opinions on your decklist, I just wanted to post this up before starting my movie tonight. Ill get a detailed statement to you tonight.

As far as the expensive cards, I only have 12 cards with cmc 4+ and 5 of them gain me life. (note the Sapling in a Rock deck, he really doesn't belong, but I had to include him to offset the Ad Nauseum a little)

DRokRoss said...

oops typ-o, my detailed report will be tomorrow

Sean said...

True, play sapling turn three, swing with him turn four and (hopefully) gain a few life, then you can play ad nauseam. And Primal Command does have the gain 7 life mode on there.

Alright, I'm looking forward to your blistering review of my deck that assaults the intellect.

Sean said...

Just as a correction: I said by turn three get them to ten life or so. I meant turn four.

Secondly, not as a correction, just an observation: I assume the silence is due to the holidays, not because you guys like my decklist. Although, now I'm considering building a goblin decklist. I'm thinking Garruk + Seige Gang Commander would be good. But I want to keep it fast and mean. I'll try to come up with a better goblin deck soonish.

Shirolotus said...

well I didn't get a reply in quicker, because I've been ill from tuesday night till today, and still going.

Also I didn't reply cause you already were on track with what I would have used, seismic assault & sensation gorger.

Only potential concept differential is an abundance card. 2gg - enchantment if you would draw a card you may choose land or non-land. (this way you can draw your entire deck of lands at the end of your opponents turn and then blast them to their doom.)

DRokRoss said...

I've been trying and trying and trying to come up with ways to rip this deck apart due to so many issues with it. I cant. It looks like fun. I think I even like Sensation Gorger in it. Now, Sensation Gorger and Ad Nauseaum are Kind of counter-ituitive to each other, but it seems fun.

The one big change?
-4 Facevaulter
+4 Boggart Ram Gang

DRokRoss said...

"Only potential concept differential is an abundance card. 2gg - enchantment if you would draw a card you may choose land or non-land. (this way you can draw your entire deck of lands at the end of your opponents turn and then blast them to their doom.)"

Sorry David lines from Ad Nauseum:
"Reveal the top card of your library and put that card into your hand."

You dont actually draw, so Abundance doesn't interact with it.

Sean said...

it does look like a fun deck, doesn't it?

You guys have any ideas for a mono-red or perhaps red-green goblin deck?