Tuesday, October 06, 2009


4x Vampire Lacerater
4x Bloodghast
4x Vampire Hexmage (Child of Night?)
4x Vampire Nighthawk
3x Vampire Nocturnus

4x Lightning Bolt
4x Sign in Blood
4x Duress
3x Bituminous Blast
2x Banefire

4x Dragonskull Summit
4x Terramorphic Expanse
10x Swamp
5x Mountain

Im open to ideas on this, this is just what Im liking at the moment. I think its got some good potential for speed kills. Im a little leery of the manabase, butam very interested in its ability to just beat the fuck outta opponents faces.

EDIT: -4 Burst Lightning
+4 Duress


Sean said...

4x Vampire Lacerater
4x Goblin Guide
4x Goblin Outlander
4x Bloodghast
4x Vampire Nighthawk

4x Bloodchief Ascension
4x Lightning Bolt
4x Sign in Blood
3x Blightning
3x Bituminous Blast
2x Burst Lightning

Here's my initial reaction. The vampire seems like a lightning bolt target and then you lose. I would like to see your version played because if it works then it can win for sure. I thought adding the bloodchief ascension would be a better finisher than banefire. 22 lands I think is what I allowed for. Not sure how it would perform, but i like the archtype.

DRokRoss said...

what makes goblin guide a better option than hexmage (or child of Night even)

Yes the Vampire nocturnus is a Lightning Bolt target, but I dont know why this deck would fall over and die to the single bolt? The opponent has too many bolt choices from the get go that any one they chose to bolt shouldn't hurt this deck to much. Bloodghast and Nighthawk are the real threats, Nocturnus just makes them near deadly on turn 4. If Nocturnus comes down on turn 4 and the top deck is black, then the turn 1,2,3 drops are swinging for 12 in the air. (that wins in goldfish) if anything is blocked then the opponent is just in bolt/banefire/Sign in Blood/Burst Lightning range

Ascension I had thought of, and it looks really good, the problem is, it is dead late game as its too slow at that point in the game.

Also, Goblin Guide looks really good, Im just a little bit worried about the card advantage it will give your opponent. Even though this deck is meant to be aggro and win before CA becomes important, I really dont like the top-deck filtering it offers the opponent.

Sean said...

I think swinging for 2 on turn one is pretty good. There is between a 30-40% chance your opponent gets CA, and a 60-70% chance that you just swung for 2 and you know more than you did before. There will be random games when it won't follow the probabilties, but I like him a lot.

I like bloodchief ascension over banefire because it lets me run less land and makes more sense to me. Banefire is a great spell, and it is way better in your decklist than mine. This one i was less confidant about. i think it'll take some testing to figure out which is best.

The Vampire Nocturnus can win you some games, but it feels too much like combo to include this guy in the decklist. Also, it encourages you to play bad cards like child of night! I think the nighthawk is probably one of the strongest uncommons in zendikar and i think he deserves to make the cut. The lacerater is good because you can turn one lacerater, turn two bloodchief ascension goblin guide swing for 4 go. He seems to fit. My favorite card in the whole deck is bloodghast. That guy is scary. The rest of it--banefire and burst lightning doesn't seem great because by turn five or six you'll either win or be dead already, so you kind of have to think your banefire will be for four damage, or your burst lightning will be for 2 75% of the time. I thought more good cheap creatures.

Sean said...

Wednesday night, I will be free from late afternoon on so let me know if you want to test. I'll go pick you up and we can get some practice in before FNM.

DRokRoss said...

I may have to get some work done, but as soon as I know if I can get away, Ill let you know.