Sunday, October 18, 2009


(Just to get this up on the front page)

3x Essence Scatter
4x Path to Exile
4x Negate
3x Summoners Bane
4x Oblivion Ring
4x Day of Judgment
3x Polymorph

3x Luminarch Ascension
3x Elspeth
3x Baneslayer Angel
1x Iona

...hitting a mulldrifter with a polymorph would have been so cool...


Sean said...

Just needs darksteel colossus and it's gold!

Sean said...

but for real Inkwell Leviathan might make cruel ultimadeum scoop

DRokRoss said...

cruel doesnt target.

Sean said...

if i'm holding negate and i have an inkwell leviathan in play then i get to win that game

Sean said...

So how do I build a board?

4 oring, 4 path, 4 DoJ, 3 scatter, 3 summoner's bane looks like pretty solid removal for control and mid-range aggro and control/aggro.

The four decks everyone is playing are Jund-Cascade (haven't seen many people playing these, but it is really good so i figure they will pretty soon), Cruel Ultimadeum, Landfall combo, and vampires.

I may get overrun with vampires before I stabalize, but i can counter their malakir witch or their mind sludge or their tendrils of corruption, i just have to make sure i'm still alive on turn six. How about -3 Luminarch Ascension +3 Solemn Offering vs vampires (targeting Bloodchief Ascension)? Gain 4 life and kill their non-creature wincon. I'd like to keep the polymorph into Iona available for vampires because i win if they can't play black spells, so my only option would be to take out ascension if i want to keep my combo in. If I can lose my combo i can board out elspeth and polymorph for...not sure. devout lightcaster/white knight/knight of the white orchid/solem offering could all be pretty good vs weanie vampires.

Vs cruel ultimadeum I could -4 DoJ but then i'd have to figure out a way to get around wall of denial. Like Inkwell Leviathan or Darksteel Colussus. I could run Devout Lightcaster and hope to exile their Broodmate, but if their big creature isn't black then she is not as good.

Vs Jund I just need +4 Mindbreak Trap... O-ring is only going to target a creature, so it isn't as useful. My baneslayers will probably get pulse'd, and my ascension will probably get pulsed, but if I'm alive on turn six or seven i can protect my stuff with counterspell. I don't fear bitumious blast as much cause they'll still have to hit a lightning bolt or pulse to get rid of baneslayer. I really want to mindbreak trap for free vs this deck.

Landfall combo I think the maindeck is pretty good against. They will have 12 or so creatures, so i let them ramp all day and then don't let their win-con hit the board.

Being alive on turn 6-7 is the biggest worry, and the maindeck seems pretty well equipped to help out with that. It seems pretty good all around.

Sean said...

The other big problem with vampires is the hexmage, which destroys elsepth and ascension, so i need to really play smart.