Wednesday, October 07, 2009

27 removal
4x Lightning Bolt
4x Path to Exile
3x Oblivion Ring
4x Volcanic Fallout
4x Intimidation Bolt
4x Day of Judgment
4x Journey to Nowhere

9 Win-Cons
3x Luminarch Ascension
3x Ajani Vengeant
3x Baneslayer Angel

24 Lands
4x Arid Mesa
1x Emperia, the Sky Ruin
7x Mountain

I think Intimidation Bolt is my best option to stay in RW without a spalsh. It is removal, and it also helps Luminarch Ascension.

27 Removals and whatnots
4x Lightning Bolt
4x Path to Exile
4x Terminate
3x Blightning
4x Oblivion Ring
4x Day of Judgment

9 Win-Cons
3x Ajani Vengeant
3x Baneslayer Angel
3x Liliana Vess

4x Arid Mesa
4x Marsh Flats
5x Mountain
6x Plains
5x Swamp

The biggest difference between these two decks is the second one has some problems with mana fixing. Seems like the simplier the better. I think I should go RW. Still not sure about sideboard though....ideas?

1 comment:

Sean said...

I'm not sure I like intimidation bolt that much, really. It costs three and doesn't hit face and it doesn't guarantee anything. It seems like an expensive lightning bolt, and not as good as burst lightning.

Ajani Goldmane
Burst Lightning
Elspeth, Knight-Errant
Martial Coup
Narrow Escape
Scepter of Dominance

These are pretty much the best spells that aren't in my deck.

Goldmane stinks in my deck because I already have Vengeant, and I can't abuse his -1 power. Elspeth isn't awesome because I don't have creatures. But she makes tokens. So far she looks good.

Martial Coup is good but slow. Maybe a 2 of, and 2 of elspeth.

Silence seems too conditional.

Scepter of Dominance is slow and isn't that great.

Burst Lightning makes a lot of sense and is the best card not in my deck, after elspeth and martial coup.

So I'm not sure what i'll do, but i don't think i'll use intimidation bolt, but i may put it in the board.