Monday, December 15, 2008

I Challenge Thee to Fix this Tenth edition Pariah Deck

So I've been wanting to do something different for awhile, I get annoyed with having to rebuy cards everytime a new set comes out. I wondered if a moderately competitive tenth edition only deck could be built using the pariah I've tried to build before in standard. Also I thought it would be a good change of pace to put the challenge and our side conversations in the 'comments' section, full bore into the spectrum of full fledged rebuild posts. Oh yeah your builds don't need to be tenth only.

4 x holy day
4 x bird of paradise
3 x condemn
4 x howling mine
2 x millstone
2 x mobilization
3 x recollect
3 x nomad mythmaker
4 x pariah
4 x Troll Ascetic
4 x Cho-manno Revolutionary

7 instants, 3 sorcery, 6 artifact, 6 enchantment, 15 creatures = 37

10 forests, 9 plains, 4 brushlands


Sean said...

4x mind stone
4x hindering light
4x bant charm
4x wrath of god
3x cryptic command
3x cho-manno, revolutionary
3x pariah
4x mulldrifter
3x reveillark
3x elspeth, knight-errant
25 lands

So I went leaning control heavy. The worst problem of cho-manno + pariah is it is so fragile...crytpic command (or any bounce) gets you killed real quick. So in my decklist, I put several counters--hindering light, bant charm, and cryptic command.

Reveillark + mulldrifter is good, but lark also can bring back a cho-manno. Equally importantly, these three creatures become your win condition at some point.

Elspeth is good because her ultimate condition makes mini-cho-mano's to give pariah. Also it lets you run 4x wrath of god, which will probably be better than running 4x holy day. Condemn goes to the sideboard.

Instead of splashing green for bant charm, you could splash black for esper charm, and add mannequin. Or you could just go UW and run your four condemns (or four o-rings, or runed halo, or even more win conditions like spectral procession).

Ultimately, the deck is to protect your creature combo which makes combat damage to you irrelevant. So it technically isn't even a win condition, it is just a fun way to stall until you get your win condition set. Counter spells can help you protect your combo and get your larks and mulldrifters and even your cho-mannos swinging in for damage. But at the end of the day, you might find yourself boarding out chomanno and pariah in favor of something a little more win sauce like.

DRokRoss said...

I promise, I got one coming. I finally have all the time in the world!

DRokRoss said...

4x Pariah
4x O. Ring

4x Swans of Bryn Argolls
4x Mulldrifter
4x Ponder
4x Traumatize
4x Sanity Grinding
4x Cryptic Command
3x Oona, Queen of the Fae

25 land UW

DRokRoss said...

Hee Mill with Pariah!!!!

Sean said...

Let's come up with a budget swans + pariah? I think droks list was pretty budget friendly, except for cryptic command. And sanity grinding isn't as good without the commands. What are some ways to make it cheaper, though?

Sean said...

I'm saying can we come up with a cheap replacement for cryptic command and still have a viable decklist?

DRokRoss said...

erm? Grimoire Thief or Counterbore?

Inundate could work out perhaps?

DRokRoss said...

memory erosion could find a spot as well