Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Elf tokens that wins turn three

2x Banishing Knack
4x Ponder
3x Distant Melody
1x Roar of the Crowd
4x Heritage Druid
4x Nettle Sentinel
4x Llanowar Elf
4x Elvish Visionary
4x Manamorphose
4x Gilt-Leaf Ambush
4x Elvish Promenade
2x Skullmulcher
2x Vivid Creek
2x Vivid Crag
16 Forest

This deck is so cheap I was able to build it on magic online for like five tickets. I lost my first three games (I should have mulligan'd I suppose) then won the next game turn five, then the next game turn three. So there you go.

The vivid lands slow me down for sure, but I was making it for cheap. I'd probably go with 2x firelit thicket and 4x g-b filter land (whatever its called) and 4x yavimaya coast. Also the two banishing knacks would be primal command.

I like skullmulcher better than the other guy because I want to just tap all my guys to make mana, then sac my tapped guys, then play my twelve new spells for the win. i don't care about keeping my guys alive, really, and skullmulcher is cheaper to play.


Sean said...

I just got a turn two win.
Turn one forest sentinel
turn two forest sentinel + heritage
tap them play another heritage and untap. tap them play a manamorphose untap, and play promenade. tap all my guys and play distant melody. i had eight and five mana or so left in my pool. my opponent conceded.

Sean said...

I went to the tournament practice room and played a match, had the win on turn seven with the ability to do 22 damage by creatures (after he blocked two of my two twos.) but sadly lag made me not untap a sentinel, so i just did 21 damage. i actually had the ability to dig for my combo, but lag was so bad i just gave up. But I was holding skullmuncher, and had twenty elves, and i had promenade, so i could have had forty elves when i played skullmuncher. it is just one game, and he didn't have firespout maindeck or it might have gone differently, but its funny and it can win.

Unknown said...

Hey Sean, I'm the guy in the casual room who asked you for the list (nice blog, by the way). I'm just curious why the banishing knacks are there. It seems like they'd be better served as more combo pieces, unless you plan on not killing the turn you go off. Have you ever used them to great effect? Thanks again.

Sean said...

nope, last night was pretty much my first play test against people. I used banishing knack the very last game, vs. a grb mid-range aggro, and i bounced a kitchen finks and chameleon collosus the turn before i got my combo. it wasn't very effective, cause i could have easily chump blocked either of those, as i was holding two ambushes. And if I have the combo, I don't need it.

The other reason they are there is because I didn't actually read the card, and I thought I could bounce lands. I can't. So I realized they'd be better served as Primal Command's (after DRok pointed it out to me) but I was trying to keep my cost down, so I didn't change that slot. However, Gift of the Gargantuan or about twelve other green rares would be better. I just didn't realize all this when I was thinking the deck up.

Everyone is right, though. Banishing Knack sucks. It isn't green, it isn't good, and it just takes up space. More draw or filtering of cards, please.

Shirolotus said...

can't argue with results, would like to see your percentages in aftr few more matches to see if the consistency is there, but I expect it would be with as much draw as you have.

DRokRoss said...

Need to go:
-2 Banishing Knack
+2 Snakeform


-2 Banishing Knack
-4 Ponder
+3 Snakeform
+3 Primal Command

DRokRoss said...

It should be mentioned that the ponder is not great in this deck. not without massive manabase fixes, which takes away from the budgety-ness of this deck. a turn 1 ponder is great. this deck will never do that, it also doesn't want to ponder on turn 2. Snakeform, or even Mulldrifter are better cards, and there are a lot of other better options that dont want to be played turn 1. which your deck screams to play the turn one elf.

Budget Rare option to replace the banishing knacks by the way is:
Invert the Skies. Its teh funnay.

DRokRoss said...

Last one for the night (or until replies, perhaps)

Could even go -1 Skullmuncher btw.

Sean said...

I'll try -2 knack, -4 ponder, +4 snakeform, +2 primal command. I'll let ya know how that goes.

But youre right, even if i have ponder and a vivid land turn one, i can't play it.

Unknown said...

Here's the list I've been goldfishing. I think the changes took it from a possible turn 2-6 kill and turned it to a consistant turn 3-4. Anyway, here's the crazy:

Four each of the following:
Llanowar elves
Nettle sentinel
Heritage Druid
Chromatic star
Elvish visionary
Elvish promenade
Distant melody
3 gilt-leaf ambush
3 roar of the crowd
2 skullmulcher
And these lands:
3 shivian reef
1 yavimaya coast
1 fire-lit thicket
10 forest

I know it seems crazy, but this deck really wants the ponder turn one to fix its draws, but never wants it later. The stars are to fix the mana and give you a last ditch chance to draw your kill.

Sorry if I mangled your deck, but I prefer a more "all-in" combo deck. Either way let me know what you think, please.


Ps. I apologize for any odd formatting, this was typed from my cell phone.

DRokRoss said...


I would suggest
-1 Roar of the Crowd
+1 Gilt-Leaf Ambush

You dont need the Roar until you already have the ability to win. at that point, distant melody will get you to roar of the Crowd. Gilt Leaf Ambush is better utility, and it wouldn't hurt to ensure them coming earlier.

Sean said...

It looks pretty hot. I'd like to give it a shot. I might actually build it in real life, and not on mtgo just because i don't like buying fake versions of real cards with real money.

I also agree that 2 RotC should be enough. With some play-testing I might go with -1 rotc -1 distant melody +1 ambush +1 land. or maybe even +2 land. But if there is consistency with fifteen lands, that's the way to go for sure.

I put two primal commands in my online version, and it is good for stalling a turn, and it gets rid of bitterblossom, so if this deck ever gets a sideboard, i think a couple might be nice. god knows what else would be good for a sideboard. The last time I played a combo, it was empty the warrens, and my decklist was not nearly as good as the one the pros came up with. this is good fun though.

DRokRoss said...

for those of you who dont know the origins of this deck archetype btw:


Sean said...

I saw some kid playing heritage druid and elvish promenade on mtgo. I figured i'd add in nettle sentinel and skullmulcher (i'd been looking for a deck to play him in). You gave me the best combo piece (draw my deck for four mana) and finisher (roar of the crowd). The rest seemed to just come together. Manamorphose so I can keep the land situation simple, and draw into the combo. Ambush for tokens. Ponder to get my combo pieces.

I like the name elf grenade, though.