Friday, December 05, 2008

Black-White Control FNM version

4x thoughtseize
4x tidehollow sculler
4x bitterblossom
4x nantuko husk
4x kitchen finks
4x spectral procession
3x murderous redcap
3x ajani goldmane
3x grave pact
3x profane command
4x fetid heath
4x caves of koilos
4x windbrisk heights
8x swamps
4x plains

2x mindtwist
3x wispmare
4x fulminator mage
3x condemn
3x relic of progenitus

Here is my decklist and sideboard. I am not sure I can get all of these non-basic lands (since I'm relying on trading before FNM starts), but I'll do the best I can. This deck could seriously suck if I don't get the filter lands (gravepact and spectral procession become wishful thinking)...

I feel like I match up well vs aggro, with the exception of treetop village and mutavault, so I don't have a lot of space dedicated to that. I'm more concerned with Faeries, 5c control, and Reveillark(Clique/Mannequin, too).

Faeries I have 3 wispmare to kill bitterblossom and protect my skies. That's pretty much it. I can't use condemn because a). they don't attack with scion of oona or sower of temptation and b) if I don't get a wispmare, I want to be gaining enough life that their bitterblossom becomes a win condition for giving them life back (even though it prevents it to me) is a bad idea. Fulminator Mage isn't useful, either, because Faeries can kill you with just two lands. Stupid spellstutter sprite! So I don't have much to board in vs fairies, but with 4x bitterblossom, 4x spectral procession, and gravepact (not that it'll land unless they're tapped out) I should go 50/50 after adding wispmare. Ajani and Kitchen finks are my win sauce, and I pray I can make my gravepact stick. -1 thoughtseize, -2 tidehollow sculler. I just need them to not have bitterblossom.

5c Control: in come the fullminator mages and possibly relic, if they are playing any GY stuff. In comes 2x Mindtwist. It is critical they don't get two Cruel ultimadeums off on me. One I might recover from. Two is the lose. I'll hope my thoughtseize and tidehollow zombie guys get to be played, and then, if I'm lucky, I'll get to mindtwist them while they are tapped out, then remove the yards. -3 grave pact, -4 kitchen finks,

Reveillark/Mannequin: +3 relic, -3 profane command. Get their graveyards out of the way. I might accidentally get mine out of the way, too. I take out profane command and go all out aggro

I need to make top four, cause I'd like to get my hands on this month's FNM card:


Shirolotus said...

do you just like the looks of this version of the card, cause it was a common back in mirrodin, nothing special there?

Sean said...

Yeah, it is cool art.

Sean said...

I went 3-2. I beat RWG mid-range aggro round one. Game two I lost to white weanie. Game three I destroyed BRG mid-range aggro. Game four I beat five color control. Game five I lost to reveillark.

I forgot to get relics for my board, or round five might have gone differently. Oh well.

Sean said...

Round five game three I actually had a round one windbrisk heights. Round two fetid heath, played tidehollow sculler, removing wrath. Turn three tide hollow sculler getting reveillark, thought seize for the other reveillark, leaving him with just lands. Turn six or so he top decks hollowed burial, turn seven plays glenalandra archmage, and wins. So my deck worked, but the topdeck got the win. If he hadn't topdecked, I killed him my next turn with my husk, two tidehollow scullers, and i was holding spectral procession.

DRokRoss said...

sounds like a fairly successful build, just a little bit of tweaking to go and your good.

Sean said...

The deck that beat me did it with untraditional cards, like Glenalandra Archmage and hallowed burial. I don't know if I should take that match much into consideration. I didn't draw a grave pact either game I lost, but I did get gravepact the game I won.

The threats which consistently nagged my deck were Stillmoon Cavalier, Figure of Destiny, and mulldrifter/esper charm. I simply can't beat stillmoon cavalier without gravepact. I don't know if there are sideboard options for him, or not. Luckily, I only saw him one of my five matches. Figure of Destiny is played in a lot of decks, and I already have condemn in the board and grave pact in the md to get him. As for mulldrifter/esper charm... these are the drawing muscles of five color control (the fourth match of the night, and one I squeaked out two wins against)...Mindtwist was great, and fullminator mage was great. I might consider adding a third mindtwist. As far as recursion goes, I needed relic of progenitus. I had bekon apparition as a placeholder in case i could not get my hands on the relics, but they were not good enough.

I can't think of other additions or subtractions.

Murderous redcap was a champ. He killed about seven sower of tempation guys. With ajani he is becomes a mog fanatic i get back every turn.

Profane command was played twice, and it was a finisher twice, but I'm not sure I wouldn't have won without it. It has enormous potential, but it is more likely to be a force of the inevitable more than a game changing topdeck. Maybe I should go -3 profane command, +3 marsh flitter?

Tidehollow sculler was and is amazing. It is a winner.

Bitterblossom is extremely good, especially in those tough match-ups vs 5c control. Also it makes Ajani better, cause I can protect him, and I can make lots of big flying vigilant tokens.

Thoughtseize was and is amazing.

Husk is a champ.

I consider Kitchen Finks to be a solid card--persist creates synergy with husk, lifegain works well to counterbalance bitterblossom, and finks + ajani is a four turn stall while I try to top deck something.

Spectral procession is amazing. There were a couple of instances when I couldn't play it even by turn four, but that was because I still need +2 fetid heath and +3 caves of koilos.

Maybe I should just give up trying to beat faeries (there was only one guy playing faeries, leo, and he went 5-0) and take wispmare out of the board, adding +1 mindtwist, +1 condemn, and +1 relic? Just take my loss if I get matched up vs faeries, but have a better matchup vs everything else?

DRokRoss said...

If you cant deal with Cavalier at all, I think you need to look into getting wrath or infest in your deck.

The more I think of it, I kind of like the idea of infest - kills a bunch of persisty creatures.

Also, Razormane Masticore kills of Stillmoon.

If you didn't feel like Profane Command was 100% needed, cut it back to 2. Thats my preferred count with Profane, I like to have it in my decklist for the late game when Im trying to have a better topdeck than my opponent.Its not something that I want to see by turns 5-7 regularly, I want to see it after that when Im searching for a finisher in longer games.

Plus keeping a profane command means that you can:
sac Redcap to Husk (4/4)
Persist - +1 Point of Dam
Sac Redcap to Husk (6/6)
Profane Command 4 life (or fear) and return Redcap +2 Damage
Sac Redcap to Husk (8/8)
persist - +1 Damage
Sac Redcap to husk (10/10)

This is 18 Points of Damage (20 if you had cast Redcap that turn) potentially (thats count 4 points of damage from an x of 4 on profane command) utilizing cards that should come up from time to time.

Another Trick you can play... this is mean...
if you have nantuko husk on the board, you can play sculler, with the trigger on the stack you sac sculler, I think they lose their card forever.

Sean said...

Yeah, I forgot about that trick with sculler and husk. Thanks for reminding me!

2 commands sound better than three. Good call there.

Thanks for your comments