Monday, December 08, 2008

Skullmuncher combo feat. Nettle Sentinel and Banishing Knack

2x Blaze
4x Llanowar Elves
4x Heritage Druid
4x Nettle Sentinel
4x Banishing Knack
4x Ponder
4x Manamorphose
4x Gilt-Leaf Ambush
4x Elvish Promenade
4x Skullmuncher
4x Yavimaya Coast
4x Flooded Grove

Turn 1: ..... forest, llanowar elves.
Turn 2: ..... forest, heritage druid, nettle sentinel.
Turn 3: ..... Flooded grove, nettle sentinel. Tap two neetle sentinels and heritage druid to add three mana, play elvish promenade making four tokens, untapping your two nettle sentinels. Tap two sentinels and a token, tap your grove, have a total of two blue and one green. Play ponder, picking up a skullmuncher. Tap three tokens for three mana. Tap llanowar for a mana. That leaves one blue and four green. Tap an untapped forest, play skullmuncher, sac'ing four tokens and your llanowar elves, (leaving two sentinels and a heritage druid) untap nettle sentinels and draw five cards. Play banishing knack on a nettle sentinel, play another llanowar elves, tap your elves for mana, play ambush to get three more tokens, untap your sentinels. tap a sentinel to bounce something. tap your other sentinel and two tokens to play promenade, make six tokens, untap your sentinels. Tap sentinetl to bounce something, drop another skullmuncher, sac'ing nine tokens, untaping sentinels, play another banishing knack, bounce some more stuff. Etc.

Your win condition is a million tokens, a huge skullmuncher or two, nettle sentinel + banishing knack returning everything to your opponents hand, many tokens + heritage druid + skullmuncher and playing out your entire deck on turn three, making a million mana for a huge blaze. It is a combo deck, so you have to mulligan aggresively and get good top decks, because if you don't go off on turn three or four, your opponent will firespout, wrath or infest and you lose the game. Luckily, with a turn three skullmuncher, you can win by doing massive damage on turn four's attack phase, but one targeted removal keeps that from happening. Or, if you have twenty tokens at the end of turn three, if your opponent can't make any blockers (or if you banishing knack all their creatures + lands back to their hand) you can swing with all your tokens for lethal. Also, you can use skullmuncher to refill your hand to seven good cards to enable a second chance combo at the end of turn three, in case your opponent does have a board sweeper. That way they will need two, (but if you have a nettle sentinel + banishing knack that shouldn't be a problem).

Originally this was going to feature Helix Pinnacle and Wake Thrasher, but I decided the first was not as good as a good ol' fashioned blaze to the dome, and the thrasher is an expensive rare, and a win more.

I guess I still need to come up with a helix pinnacle deck now


DRokRoss said...

you are missing a key part of this deck:

Distant Melody. Best draw you can get going. probably replace the Manamorphose and fix the manabase to be a little more 2 color capable

No Elvish Visionary for some card drawing help?

If you want to ensure a big blaze why not run some Roar of the Crowd instead of the Blaze? more effecient and allows you to use it even if you've been abusing the heritage Druid's ability in order to find you win con that route.

have you weighed the potential of Regal Force over Skullmuncher? granted going this route is less likely to utilize the banishing knack, but I think that knack is a little unnecessary in this deck and could easily find replacement via card draw or more accel.

splash white for Ranger of Eos/reveillark in the board?

Primal Command????? Like I had stated with Profane Command, Im never a proponent of 4 of this card but 2-3 is good. esp. in a deck that wants to combo in, has so many other uses as well (time walk anybody?)

Shirolotus said...

I'm glad you had some good comments to post D, cause I really didn't quite get the deck to begin with even after Sean told me what was supposed to go on with it. I agree with the Profane command comment, it really isn't a 4 of card.

Sean said...

Roar of the Crowd! Distant Melody! Regal Force! Ranger of Eos!

you should have built this deck, you have all the teck! good suggestions. What's your decklist look like, then?

Sean said...

4x Ponder
3x Distant Melody
3x Banishing Knack
3x Roar of the Crowd
4x Llanowar Elves
4x Heritage Druid
4x Nettle Sentinel
4x Manamorphose
4x Gilt Leaf Ambush
4x Elvish Promenade
20 Forest
3 Islands

There you go. It's all commons and uncommons. I had to keep manamorphose it to keep it cheap.