Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Updated Puppets

4x Ponder
4x Broken Ambitions
4x Cryptic Command
4x Shriekmaw
4x Mulldrifter
4x Nameless Inversion
3x Sower of Temptation
3x Profane Command
3x Puppeteer Clique
3x Makeshift Mannequin

4x Sunken Ruins
4x Secluded Glen
4x Underground River
2x Faerie Conclave
4x Swamp
6x Island

3x Infest
3x Thoughtseize
2x Vendillion Clique
4x Murderous Redcap
1x Sower of Temptation


Sean said...

Razormane Masticore would be pretty amazing in this deck. It is a solid 5/5 for 5 colorless, provides a discard outlet for your mannequin, and it lightning bolts something every turn. I don't see a good cut for it, is the problem. But it has synergy with this deck, in my opinion.

Shirolotus said...

Can I just say I hate every deck Drok builds, cause seriously I'm not liking the mix of control, removal and just evil that is the above.

I'm with sean what is really a good cut? cause I'm not seeing an obvious one.

DRokRoss said...

If I were to make any cut for Razormane, it would be:

-1 Profane Command
-1 Puppeteer Clique

-2 V. Clique in SB
+1 Thoughtseize in SB
+1 Puppeteer Clique in SB