Friday, October 31, 2008


3x Condemn
4x Goldmeadow Harrier
3x Runed Halo
4x Wizened Cenn
4x Oblivion Ring
4x Mirror Entity
2x Story Circle
2x Loxodon Warhammer
3x Wrath of God
4x Springjack Shepherd
3x Cloudgoat Ranger
22x Plains
2x Springjack Meadow

4x Kitchen Finks
4x Unmake
4x Oversoul of Dusk
3x Ajani Goldmane

Here's a different take on goats. Pretty simple. Early game is stall. Mid game is mass removal followed by spot removal. Late game is lots of tokens that swing for a big win. Or I give my 0/1 goat a hammer and let it go to town.

Wizened Cenn has good synergy with Mirror Entity (all my goats get +1/+1), Cloudgoat Ranger, and Springjack Shepherd/Goldmeadow Harrier get bigger. Also, double white symbol makes more goats. Finally, a turn two cenn turn three cenn sometimes steals games.

Cloudgoat Ranger seems to be a bomb for this deck. Four creatures for five mana. Synergy with Mirror Entity (lots of creatures fast), Cenn (the three tokens are kiths). Double white symbol makes more goats. Also, I can make a 5/3 flyer, which steals games sometimes.

Condemn and Harrier are very effecient early game.

Runed Halo typically comes out of the sideboard, but let me defend her presence in main deck. Game one it has two white symbols on it to help with goat production later on, like after a turn four or five wrath. Also, I can probably guess a threat my opponent will be playing game one. But even if I drop Runed Halo and say Mulldrifter, it still helps the goat production. Game two and three I will know better what to name, so it stays in, and I have a secret sideboard game, as you'll see.

Twenty four lands seems a bit much, but since I have two lands that make goats and require four colorless in addition to the pasture tapping, AND I have mirror entity, which is benefited by lots of lands, twenty four didn't seem like too much.

Now, as for the sideboard...
Game two and three I can play mono-white control. I can -4 Wizened Cenn, -4 Mirror Entity, -4 Springjack Shepherd, -3 Cloudgoat Ranger, +4 Unmake, +4 Kitchen Finks, +4 Oversoul of Dusk, +3 Ajani Goldmane. It is a compeletely different deck. I could only do that vs. Black Red or Blue, b/c now my win condition is the Oversoul, but he is a good win condition. Otherwise I'm depending on limited lifegain and removal into a big avatar, or just stalling until I get my oversoul down and swinging.

Or if my opponent seems to not be using any firespout, corrupt or wrath, and my already decent removal in my library is suffecient, I could leave things alone. Or if I want to race against mid-range aggro, I can take out wrath and runed halo and cloud goat add finks and ajani unmake.

What do you guys think?


Sean said...

Spectral Procession.
Paladin En-Vec.
Stillmoon Cavalier.
Figure of Destiny.

There are lots of good white cards I'm not playing. There's just a few. If you think I should be playing any of these over something else, let me know.

Sean said...

I think this matches up strongly vs aggro and control. It matches up especially well vs weanie aggro, but a strong matchup post sideboard vs mid-range aggro. Vs Control I think I'll be able to whittle away enough. I don't have a ton of threats, but I have enough that eventually I'll get something on the board to be lethal. I think. Vs Aggro/control I feel like I match up well there, too. Basically, it seems to me, from what I saw last FNM I played, this deck matches up well against the meta (three color mid-range aggro, three color mid-range aggro/control, three color control). Most of the aggro was black red or black red green. those decks pretty much scoop to oversoul. The meta is stuff dealing with mid-range aggro or stuff to play around control. I think this deck would come in from left field and destroy. But I may be over-estimating it, too.

Shirolotus said...

well I don't know the meta, cause I haven't got to play FNM in months, but I'm thinking the only playable mono-white aggro would hate rune-halo regardless of anything else, and weenie if it flys makes it angry too cause i don't do trample. Plus being able to come back from wrath pretty much knocks me out in a lot of ways, only thing I've got is the orings and unmakes maybe.

Not much pure creature aggro can do. except try to beat you to the punch but you're going potentially out weenie pretty early.

though I think you might fear pure control combo decks more than you are anticipating.