Friday, October 24, 2008

I need some cards...

So I really want to try to play mono-white goats. I love tokens, and the idea of winning with 0/1 tokens really makes me happy. So, I need to look through my stock pile, but I am pretty sure I need:

2x Mirror Entity
4x Rhys, the Redeemed
3x Springjack Shepherd
3x Ajani Goldmane
2x Springjack Pasture
4x Runed Halo
4x Stillmoon Cavalier (I guess I'll have to run the Paladin en-Vec if I can't get this guy)
1x Oversoul of Dusk

Also, Drok, did you ever build the swans, or are you going to? I think you may have some of my cards, maybe even a mirror entity, but I'm not sure I'm remembering that correctly. At least half of the cards in the deck were yours, and I have no idea what wasn't. Maybe I should put swans in my goat deck. Ha!


DRokRoss said...

I has:
2x( 4x+ ) Mirror Entity
3x Rhys
2x (maybe 3) Ajani
0x Springjack Pasture (but you has 1)
1x Oversoul,

I may have more than that. Not sure what has traded and what is in stacks.

Yes, swans is here, it hasn't been messed with much, I never found anything that really pushed it over. and now its missing to much for standard. Im thinking of looking for an extended answer.

Some of that is yours and we'll be able to figure that out.

Sean said...

I'm going to rework this deck at some point and play it. I want to fix my BR TOKENS first though. I'm thinking predator dragon. And better early game. Maybe even dragon fodder.

Shirolotus said...

Well with gargadon out it will take some effort to fix the BR tokens I would think.

Will have to look at it again and see.

As far as cards I only have the one's I buy specifically for the decks I build or those I've won from FNM. So probably don't have anything - but maybe a Springjack or such, will have to dig around a bit.

Sean said...

The thing that hurts worse than gargadon is mogg war marshal. three creatures for two mana. The guy that is RGB is great, but I'm not splashing green. I'm thinking it would be a more solid build with green, but I know I'll never have the necessary reflecting pools, too.

DRokRoss said...

Sean how many R. Pools Do you have?

Sean said...

I don't have any reflecting pools.

DRokRoss said...

now you have at least 2.

Sean said...

Oh. Wow. Thanks. You have more than four I presume?

DRokRoss said...


Shirolotus said...

so I'm wondering, are you looking for token overrun here or you shooting more for like a husk win?

Sean said...

I have several win conditions. Token overrun is the most straight forward. Most often I would have a big husk or rockslide elemental + profane command. Or I have a finisher with Furystoke Giant (or possibly I will take him out and use Predator Dragon). So my bitterblossom and goblin assault is pumping out tokens, while I'm using spot removal and chump blocking long enough to a). overrun them or b). big finish