Friday, October 24, 2008

Black Control Splash for Grixis AKA GREED

4 Cryptic Command
4 Mulldrifter
2 Cruel Ultimatum
4 Ponder
4 Incinerate
4 Agony Warp
2 Oona, Queen of the Fae
4 Unmake
4 Grixis Charm
4 Flame Javelin

4x Crumbling Necropolis
4x B/R Pain
4x Underground River
4x Graven Cairns
4x Sunken Ruins
4x Reflecting Pool


Sean said...

I think this looks pretty fun to play.

DRokRoss said...

what do you think I should run for my last 2 cards?

Another thought I had was +1 land (probably a Faerie Conclave) and +1 Profane Comman.
or +2 Sower
or +2 Vendillion Clique
or +2 Beseech the Queen
or +2 Incendiary Command

Sean said...

Oona, Queen of the Fae wasn't in your discussion, but I could see it being better than predator dragon in some matches, so that might fit in the board. I know you have some bounce with grixis charm and CC, but boomerang might be good vs. mid-range aggro, especially predator dragon or colossus, or even mutavault. I think control could be really strong in this mid-range aggro heavy environment.

Infest might be a good two of, or possibly more from the board.

I'm not sure how good shriekmaw is. From what I saw last friday, he's not that great anymore. Incremental Blightmight be better...but I could definitely see 4x Fulminator Mage filling that slot. He chump blocks, then kills the mutavault, or reflecting pool, or your opponents fourth land drop making it impossible for them to CC you.

I like V Clique better than sower, because if they take care of sower, its a wasted turn. V Clique has a nice comes into play effect AND has combat tricks.

I think nameless inversion should become Agony Warp.

I think you could go -2 profane command -2 Cruel Ultimatum +4 thoughtseize. Or if you want to leave in CU, -2 profane, -2 sower/clique, +4 thoughtseize.

I could even see vexing susher in the board.

Sean said...

other possible two of's:
mind stone
broken ambitions

DRokRoss said...

I started putting this together this evening and actually decided on Flame Javelin for the moment. I know I hadn't mentioned it but when I saw it I thought it was pretty cool. It kills colossus so thats a plus for this deck. I really like the idea of agony warp > nameless inversion in this deck, in fact, Im thinking in all UBx decks this may be true.

I thought about Thoughtseize in this deck, but it came down to the fact that my manabase is locked for this idea, so a turn 1 thoughtseize isnt reliable enough. (8 Filter Lands, 4 CITPT lands and 4 Pools)

Oona > P. Dragon is a very good point. She would probably be more consistent, more versatile win con. Also with my addition of Flame Javelin, this still keeps with uber greed (Triple color requirements in all 3 colors.)

I thought about Mannequin as well... but Im too light on creatures, esp. with shriekmaw being sub-par these days. I do like Broken Amitions, I'm thinking -4 shriekmaw +4 Broken Ambitions.

3 Infest
4 Vexing Shusher
2 V. Clique
2 Predator Dragon (Oona's MD)
4 Incinerate

DRokRoss said...

I havent tested the changes I made yet, but the deck looks pretty nasty if it can ever get into the late game. the new changes:

-4 Bitterblossom
-4 Broken Ambitions
+4 Ponder
+4 Incinerate

DRokRoss said...

OH and -2 Profane Command +2 Flame Javelin

--- I lose really bad btw to other control.

Sean said...

incinerate and flame javelin help you kill other control more gooder. The persist fairy that you pay a blue and sac to counter a spell might be useful in the mirror?