Wednesday, October 15, 2008

B R TOKENS ! (goblins, fairies and...goats?!)

4x bone splinters
4x bitterblossom
4x nameless inversion
4x nantuko husk
4x goblin assault
4x rockslide elemental
3x loxodon warhammer
4x marsh flitter
3x profane command
3x seige gang commander
6x swamp
3x mountain
4x auntie's hovel
4x graven cairns
2x springjack pasture
4x sulfurous springs

3x caldera hellion
4x thoughtseize
4x gravepact
4x bekon apparition


Sean said...

Ideally I'd be minus two pastures and minus two springs, but I don't have the necessary mutavaults. For that matter, I don't have goblin assault, and now they're six dollars each. So this whole deck may never be played.

DRokRoss said...

I do have at least 1 Gob Ass you can use. If I get more you are welcome to use them as welll. You know I dont usually like to play red.